Trauma:How can this be of God?

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Helen Pomery
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Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:52 pm

Re: Trauma:How can this be of God?

Post by Helen Pomery »

My BCF family won’t believe the reports of widespread shunning, and certainly not done by anyone full time.


The following quote is from an article entitled:

The human need for social connection is often used by leaders of communities, including families, to ensure that everyone is obeying the same collective views. Failure to do so is often punished, by the person being banished from the community. This phenomenon is often referred to as shunning.

Essentially shunning is a form of social shame and humiliation. More specifically, shunning is a form of abuse: it is discrimination and silent bullying.


It is my experience that only by the grace and mercy of God will people within BCF see, know and acknowledge that shunning exists and is harmful.

Many people over decades have believed the lies and slander spread about me and have never wanted to ask questions, seek for the truth or in any way question the elders.

A close friend of mine believed everything she was told about me even though deep in her heart she knew it didn’t add up.

For years she continued to shun me and abide by the elders advice.

When did things change?

Well, the elders turned on this family and started to put a wedge into their family relationships. The more this family struggled under such manipulation and control the more trouble they were in with leaders and elders.

One night God woke this lady and spoke to her. He said, “what the elders are doing to you is exactly what they did to Helen”.

Shortly after God opened their eyes and their hearts, they were also excommunicated.

The wounding, pain and disbelief this family endured has left scars upon their lives, but God delivered them!!!!

It is often when suffering, bullying, punishment and slander is aimed at persons or families do their eyes become open . We would want people to wake up and see the harmful behaviour but God has other ways of reaching His people and delivering them.

As many of us pray for this dreadful tragedy, we can have faith and trust that God will deliver His people from evil!!!! We know not how or when or if their hearts will hear His voice, but we wait in absolute assurance of His love and mercy to everyone.

Later my friend visited me and ask for forgiveness for believing the lies about me. She had my forgiveness even before she asked for it.

Let us thank God that His love is ours to give and receive, if we know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
Posts: 67
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:02 am

Re: Trauma:How can this be of God?

Post by Stargazer »

I have connection to MCF in Victoria region. They seem to follow the BCF trash that is spewed out. Such rot :evil:
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