New laws tightening up on coercive behaviour

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New laws tightening up on coercive behaviour

Post by Bagel »

Greetings Fellow Travelers on Streetcar, just wanted to post about the recent laws passed in Queensland regarding coercive control. Essentially it’s classified under family law/domestic violence as a form of controlling behaviour, specifically where it involves isolating the victim from others such as family. (The new laws cover many other aspects too but isolating and shunning are included).

This ABC article is a good primer: ... ntent=link

For a further explanation, here is a link from Relationships Australia: ... e-control/

It’s somewhat early days but the pressure will build to end this appalling, barbaric practice (isolating family members) perpetuated by certain men in xCF ‘churches’.

Plenty more information can be found on this topic by a search for ‘coercive control’. And while some states have specific laws regarding this, some other states, Victoria for example, consider that their family law statutes already cover this behaviour.

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Joined: Sun May 28, 2017 11:00 pm

Re: New laws tightening up on coercive behaviour

Post by Thanomere84 »

If this law is passed, can we get legal experts to sue Vic "the Vicious Hall" Hall? It'd be lovely if we of Streetcar banded together, and took him down a notch or two.
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