Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

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Boundary Rider
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Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by Boundary Rider »

In the most recent publication of "Woman's Day" (Australia's No. 1 Weekly magazine) you will find the following article: ---

Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39
From the outside it looks like any other Christian church, but former members claim that the Brisbane Christian Fellowship has been tearing families apart for years.
Former follower Helen Pomery says church elders preach sacrifice and obedience. “I had to submit to the church elders and I had to cut off my daughter,” she reveals in an interview in 2010,
Followers are taught that a woman’s body is her husband’s body, meaning he has the right to demand it whenever he chooses. And despite many female ex-members claiming they lived a life of servitude and were forced to submit and be obedient to their husbands, the sect still has a significant following worldwide.

The "Infamous Cults" listed in order are:---
1. The Family .... led by their cult leader Anne Hamilton Byrne
2. Children of God .... led by their ex-pastor leader David Brandt Berg
3. Brisbane Christian Fellowship
4. Twelve Tribes .... founded in the US in the Seventies by former school counsellor Eugene Spriggs

BCF lumped together with these seriously Cultish groups does the BCF image no good at all. What is more significant is that placed with this readership is potentially far more damaging than anything previously as this is the stuff of coffee conversations, reading at the hairdressers, and reading at Doctor and Dentist waiting rooms all around the nation.

My guess is that this is one league table which Vic would never want BCF to appear on. ;)

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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by blitzyblue »

Thank you so much for posting this BR. When I read the article in the magazine I was like "OMG OMG OMG" and it was me that told BR about it in an email. I havent dared to mention it to hubby - he is still in the cult but I left BCF years ago (snuck out the back door, so to speak). He hasnt mentioned it to me either, but oddly enough we were idly chatting about something the following week and all of a sudden he said I was a "real feminist" and then went all culty on me. Grr.
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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by Charity »

Hi Blitzy,
As ive been out of the cult for a few years now im not up-to-date in understanding their culty terms. Could you pls explain what the cult means by the word feminist? ....and explain the differences between a male and a female feminist. Tks.
Boundary Rider
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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by Boundary Rider »

Good to see you back in circulation Blitzy, and happy to share the article you alerted me to. :)

Keep smiling, you dreadful 'feminist' you!!!!! ;)

Hi to you too, Charity. I have a sneaking suspicion that in Vic's world and dictionary a "feminist" is Messenger bad language for any female who dares to stand equally with any male, rather than being a submissive slave.. There is a twist to this in that one of Vic's other slurs is his use of the term "feminised male". This isn't to do with transgender identity, but is a put down on any male who exhibits the "feminine" characteristics of gentleness, helpfulness, being supportive and kind, forbearance and nurturing. By Vic's standards even Jesus would have been in need pf "counselling" and Paul must have been having an aberrant day when he wrote Galatians 5, and verses 22 and 23 in particular .... 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (NIV) :roll:

Personally I consider these characteristics in myself to be the best part of me, so it's not hard for me to guess Vic's appraisal of me, especially as I dared to stand up to him and shame him before every elder in RFI in 2010. :evil:

It also seems to me that Vic sees a feminised male as one who is under the thumb of a woman. How great is the irony if that is what he means!!!!! as Vic is well and truly under Lorraine's thumb as she has the dirt on his R J Jackson type peccadilloes, and can rein him in whenever she chooses. Maybe Vic is really a closet feminist????? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Last edited by Boundary Rider on Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by Charity »

Thanks for that answer BR.
I remember that on one of the previous SCs there was some dialogue about a certain Priest in the gospel of Luke being called feminist. Surely this would be 'adding or taking away from This Book' as was written in the book of Revelation.....also denigrating the true words of God.
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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by blitzyblue »

Hi Charity,
I think BR has the handle on what they mean by "feminist" - I must admit I was never very strong on BCF terminology and have had many an argument with hubby when he starts talking cultish gibberish (eg things like "centrehood" "motherhood" "messenger" etc etc - apologies to anyone who these words set off a triggery reaction... trust me they trigger off a kind of rage when I hear them as they are totally meaningless BCF hogwash!!!!!
I think I have been out for a number of years - am pleased to say I have sort of lost count!
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Re: Woman’s Day Special Report of 24th July 2017 ... Australia’s Most Infamous Cults .... on Page 39

Post by eagles »

I'm inclined to believe BR's identification of "feminine" as being right, and you know modern-day feminists appear to be critical of Saul/Paul (Sh'aul) of Tarsus as the highest degree of misogynists using isolated writings rather than reading in context!

My own mother was one of the early women graduates of Girton College in UK's Cambridge shortly after World War One, with a classical education embracing literacy in several languages, history, archaeology, geology, and so on.

Her father was a highly respected yet controversial County Court judge, probably expert in understanding of the language of fairness to all people - but without the same morality as fictitional TV Judge John Deed!

A well educated man, critical of those who encouraged agenda-driven beliefs based on wrongful understanding of fact. So perhaps that is why I tend to be outspoken.

I remember in the mid 1970's telling a stuidy group leader in a (different) cult chutch ... "Brother Sp---n, you are teaching false doctrine"... those actual words no less!!

Real "Womens' Lib is, like real Green lib, totally different as I see it) from the politically correct variety, surely?

Or am I now teaching "false doctrine"?? LOL!
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