Recent Teachings of BCF

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Faith Hopegood
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Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Just thought I would put up this topic so that people can post and keep us up to date with the latest changing word as from the guru, Victor Hall. I miss the postings that people used to post where the latest heresies and gobbledegook was exposed for the rubbish teaching that it is. Post away people.
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by robocop »

Thank you Faith, for your insight to add this page again, as I think it is important that we can warn others about the false teachings and heresies coming out of the Samford Swamp...
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Thanomere84 »

Well... sorry for the hiatus, but I've been busy with a lot of things. And please congratulate me, my dear brothers and sisters, as last year October I finally made a breakthrough in my current church. For some time, some selfish people had been trying to restrain me in the area of worship leading, this being due to jealousy and insecurity.

However, in October 2017, all that changed. The pastor himself ordered that I be included in the worship leading roster. As a result, with my seminary studies already keeping me busy, my life became a whirlwind of many things... and by our dear Heavenly Father, do I enjoy it indeed! :D

It's good to be back in active service for the church. Meanwhile, as for what the current changing word (as dear Faith Hopegood put it so accurately ;) ) is from Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall is... we were lucky in that a family defected from ICC (the Ipoh branch of the Samford swamp cult) to my current church. They said recently it's all been about the ridiculous statement 'One Messenger for One Lampstand'. The underlying message also boils down to only one word: Submission.

It looks like Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall isn't even trying to disguise his mad thirst for power anymore - he's openly making it clear! How blind can people be... it's amazing and tragic at the same time.
Boundary Rider
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Boundary Rider »

Good to hear of your good news and perseverance, Thanomere!

Also very interesting to know that the Ipoh congregation has managed to break free of the domination and deceit of the Fuhrer of Samford Swamp! is that linked perhaps to David Falk crashing and burning?

Blessings on your head, and onward and upwards

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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Thanomere84 »

Only one family, Boundary Rider, only one family made the defection. However, we're glad to know more people are seeing the truth as it is now. :)
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Thanomere84 »

Thursday | 11 January 2018
Understanding talents

Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven ‘is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey.’ Talents are gifts of grace that come from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and are given by Christ. The talents refer to the four dimensions of God’s grace that come from Christ’s hand. These four dimensions of grace are the word, life, Spirit and love of God. Every son of God receives this grace through the ministry of messengers, who are in Christ’s hand as He walks among His lampstand churches.

Christ distributes talents to a person according to their abilities. These abilities are a feature of a person’s identity, which continues to be regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spirit. As children grow up, these abilities begin to be seen, and will develop through training, and application to discipline. However, abilities are not talents. It is true that Christ gives us talents according to abilities. But not everyone who has abilities receives multiple talents. Failure to recognise the difference between abilities and talents has been a source of confusion in the church. This confusion has given rise to presumption and corruption within Christian congregations.

A person receives the gift of talents from Christ after they have been born of God, and have come into the house of the Son through baptism. That is, talents are given to slaves of righteousness. Their slavehood to Christ results in their sanctification as a son of God. As a believer participates in the offering of Christ as a member of His body, they are also multiplying the grace of life as a son of God. Their eternal reward, or glory, in the new heavens and earth, depends upon the extent to which the talents they received in this age are multiplied.

Further Study:
Matthew 25:14-30 Daily Proverb:
Proverbs 11
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ok, so I'd like to draw attention to the first paragraph. First, the writer (whoever it is, but I think it surely had to go through Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall's seal of approval before it could be printed and published ;) ) claims that talents are gifts of grace that come from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and are given by Christ. This is weirdly redundant, and is it only Christ who has a role in giving the talents? Are the Father and the Holy Spirit totally unassociated with this process of giving?

That's the first flaw I see. Secondly... the writer claims that 'talents refer to the four dimensions of God's grace that come from Christ's hand. These four dimensions of grace are the word, life, Spirit and love of God.' Ok, this isn't too fishy, but the final sentence raises a major red flag... no, scratch that, maybe a few dozen red flags is more like it.

Every son of God receives this grace through the ministry of messengers, who are in Christ’s hand as He walks among His lampstand churches.

This sentence. This sentence is ALL ABOUT EXCLUSIVITY. This sentence is ALL ABOUT A SELECT ELITE FEW HAVING ALL THE POWER, AND HOGGING IT. So only 'messengers' have the 'special ministry' to give TALENTS to people in the congregations now, do they?! So now, God needs a middleman, does He, in order to give gifts of His grace, which through the Bible was clearly stated to be FREE and AVAILABLE TO ALL?! 'As He walks among His lampstand churches.' WRONG, Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall!!! God would like to walk among ALL His churches and not just your bloody exclusive 'lampstands'!!!

RFI!!! BCF!!! Wake up, you blind men stumbling about in the dark!!! Can you not see this is exclusivity, this is clearly UNBIBLICAL, and this is NOT teaching that will lead you on the path of life!!!
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep Than.
Every son of God receives this grace through the ministry of messengers, who are in Christ’s hand as He walks among His lampstand churches.
That is classic MCF/BCF isn't it! They're still at it. Exclusivity. Where's the evidence for this in Scripture? It'll come down to one verse that is extrapolated.

Scriptures tells us NOT to believe those that say 'here he is', 'look here':
Matt 24
23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
It's very clear that exclusivity is in this mode. Here he is in the inner rooms. That is MCF/BCF in a nutshell.

His coming in these last days will be to us all amongst us all and in us all. Everywhere!
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Charity »

We think Vic is talking pure BS. The word says that Jesus ascended into heaven and gave Gifts to men. Yes, straight from the Lord himself! Funny about that, Vic. Do a study on the word Talent in Matthew and see what is meant by that word in the gospel of Matthew. If God is giving talents to slaves, then its nothing to do with gifts and graces but could be 'money'. Vic sidesteps the gifts and fruits of the spirit in his discourse entirely and is trying Not to link Talents with abilities. (Talents are moneys, but talents (small t) and abilities are the same thing). Am i missing something here, or isnt an ability, like say someone who, by family genealogy, e.g. doctors breed doctors, musicians breed musicians, preachers breed preachers, and over time, as there parents and grandparents develop that ability, they can get so good at what they do, that one could say they are talented? In addition to that ability, God by His grace, can take that talent (ability) and use it somewhere in his field. Thats where the laying on of hands comes in - to give the person a boost of grace by his holy spirit to carry out some function in the body of Christ. Ive experienced this and not from the lampstand church either.
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Ceorl »

"come into the house of the Son through baptism"; "Every son of God receives this grace through the ministry of messengers". Baptism is merely a symbol of what has alreday happened it does not do anything of itself. Grace flows directly from God,not via Vic Hall. Just two examples of RFI heresy.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Recent Teachings of BCF

Post by Paul Kovaks »

I largely agree.

The most relevant verse is of course:
1 Peter 3:21 New Living Translation
And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, not by removing dirt from your body, but as a response to God from a clean conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So, yes, perhaps baptism is primarily an opportunity to RESPOND to God's cleansing and forgiveness of us.
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