Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

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Paul Kovaks
Posts: 121
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Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Paul Kovaks »

I just thought I'd post an image of a vision an ex-MCFer had of church leadership while at Melbourne Christian Fellowship (MCF).

It's a scene of horror.
Long haired ('strong'), robe-wearing (initially 'annointed') leaders wearing INVERTED gold crowns (damned rather than rewarded?), thrust over their necks like MILL-STONES.
Shackled together in chains around the neck and feet, three or more abreast, in multiple COAL CARTS heading into a DARK ABYSS.

It's about leaders that protect their ministries through putting up with abuses or otherwise compromising rather than seek the Lord's way.

That is why we need to warn those under them.
That is why we need to warn THEM.
But they are blind of course.

This man drew the vision for the MCF elders, gave them five more years and then left in 2017 when they didn't change.

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Re: Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Thanomere84 »

A very haunting, and true image indeed. They're waaaaaay deep in the coal mine already - don't think they can be fished out. BCF's 'elders' meanwhile, are probably into some sort of abyssal depth.
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Re: Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Wendy »

A similar vision of the church leadership was seen by a friend attending Immanuel not long after the happenings in 1988-9. He saw the elders in the front row linked together in large chains in darkness. And he left the next week.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Wow! Incredible Wendy.

And do you remember how Annette Burkett had a vision of a heart of stone?
It made her cry.

And an elder (not sure who) once had a vision about the harshness towards the women. In the vision he saw a firey barrier that was being violated by the men (husbands) who were being encouraged to be the 'messengers to them'. And from the pulpit they immediately backed off (as much as MCF could) from husbands trying to be the primary messengers to their wives.

It took another 10 years for the elders to back off officially on running the day-to-day minutiae of men's lives.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Wendy and Paul, thank you for sharing visions that people have had about the Christian Fellowship elders. I had not heard of these before. And I think it is even more pertinent and chilling that even leaders (male and female) of the Christian Fellowship had received these visions, not just visitors or standard congregation members. The visions were a real warning from God. It is such a pity these visions were not shared with the general congregation - of course this would not have been allowed as it went completely against the focus and desires of the CF leadership team and their desire to completely control the narrative.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Abuse by leaders focused on protecting their ministries

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep Faith.

This is a really sad state of affairs.

And they will never listen to me because I consciously decided to show them the HUMAN face of their destruction, ie my emotion, my losses, my disgust, my anger, my financial ruin, my depression, my crying, the waste of a couple's life and energies for 30 years, the lies, the pointlessness, the presumption, the judgmentalism, the hypocrisy, the partiality, the randomness, the IDIOCY.

They stopped us stewarding EVERYTHING!
Absolutely everything.
We just drifted for 25 years with no plans. Well, we had a million, but none we were allowed to develop.
It was a slow death whilst alive.
And everyone there is in the same boat.
But they have all learned NOT to have any plans or ambitions.

Those disgusting MCF elders sat and watched our lives, dedicated to God and them, drift to nothingness over a 30 year period.

To all of MCF and BCF, I am the world's biggest sinner and loser.
And it hurts.

If any of them are listening, I'm happy to talk ANYTIME: 0411 091 999.
We know INCREDIBLE details of how unBiblical and demonic BCF/MCF is.

It's them that wont talk.
Their closed mouth policy - supposedly like Jesus - is false, it's instead to enable unaccountability. Jesus closed his mouth because he KNEW he was right, admitted He WAS what they said, and He was prepared to suffer for it.

But MCF know they've done it, are NOT prepared to admit it and are NOT prepared to suffer for it.
Entirely different.
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