BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Paul Kovaks
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BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Here's the latest from the May 2019 BCF/MCF 'devotions':
A person’s salvation is dependent upon how they receive the doctrine of Christ that is proclaimed by His lampstand administration. The ministry of Christ’s administration is in conflict with false messengers, who teach that a person can be saved and enter heaven on the basis of Christ’s vicarious offering, alone. They claim that a person can avail themselves of the benefits of Christ’s offering through the profession of some salvation formula, such as the sinner’s prayer. By denying the necessity to come into Christ, they teach that righteousness can be demonstrated through a person’s self-defined religious works. Such practices reveal that these false messengers, and their followers, deny that salvation is only found in the fellowship of Christ.
Of course it's true that we are not saved by a formula.

But not ONE church since the middle ages actually teaches that!

Every church I've been to UNDERSTANDS we need to 'take up our cross' and follow Christ. Vic and his lunatic sidekicks are creating a silly strawman to keep their congregations devoted to their silly Lampstand.

We are saved by repenting and trusting in Christ's substitutionary (vicarious) sacrifice and then following Him. Everyone knows that Vic!

Vic, you have really sunk to a new low.

I beg everyone at MCF/BCF to come out of that lunatic place.
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Wendy »

A new low indeed ... The xCF hasn’t just added the usual mysterious bits and pieces to their spurious teachings here and kept some of the basics - this one steps into the totally heretical realm by denying that belief in Jesus’ death on the Cross was sufficient for salvation. To say that it is false messengers who teach a person can be saved and enter heaven on the basis of Christ’s vicarious sacrifice alone and that we need to receive the doctrine of Christ as proclaimed by his lamp stand administration is to put their so called teachings at the same level as Jesus’ death. How arrogant, incorrect and totally whacky. I don’t know how anyone who has come out of a regular church and joined that cult can stand to be there. And as if anyone thinks they are saved by a formula - that’s just stupid.
It’s time someone pulled the plug and turned off the lamp stand. They’re already in the dark so it wouldn’t make much difference.
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by surprisedbyjoy »

They claim that a person can avail themselves of the benefits of Christ’s offering through the profession of some salvation formula, such as the sinner’s prayer. By denying the necessity to come into Christ, they teach that righteousness can be demonstrated through a person’s self-defined religious works.
1.I thought the sinners prayer (the sincere one, not the formula one) was quite a good starting point for my salvation. So Vic is wanting us all to doubt our own sincere salvation beginnings and believe his own new formula crud. Typical of a cult leader. and,

2. I’ve never seen a better example of self-defined religious works than that which comes from the preaching at BCF led by Vic Hall the leader of that cult.

Just sayin’
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Thanomere84 »

I never thought I'd live to see the day BCF/MCF actually would shamelessly trumpet their exclusivity as though their exclusivity was true righteousness, but by the high heavens... it's happened.

BCFians, MCFians, please. We implore you, almost with tears... surely you can't be that deluded to see that this is nowhere near the Word of God. This sort of exclusivity does not bring life. This sort of exclusivity does not unite. It kills, it divides, it destroys! Who is the one who seeks to destroy the church?? Who would like to see families torn and good Christian men, women and children suffer?? You know this, people, you KNOW! Don't be willing puppets to the insane puppet master Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall anymore!

There is NO 'SPECIAL' WORD in the RFI! There is NO 'UNIQUE REVELATION' BY THESE SELF-GLORIFYING, SELF-SERVING 'MESSENGERS' WHO ARE ACTUALLY FALSE MESSENGERS! Stop being blinded, and asleep! Drive off the spirit of slumber from yourselves and wake up, BCFians and MCFians! Who do you serve?! WHO DO YOU SERVE?!
Faith Hopegood
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Faith Hopegood »

WOW! JUST WOW! Straight out heresy right there people, combined with the usual dose of poisonous CF gnostic teachings desired purely to keep people enslaved and not free in Christ!

Let us have a quick look at the two dog whistle jargon phrases that have a double meaning.
A person’s salvation is dependent upon how they receive the doctrine of Christ that is proclaimed by His lampstand administration
salvation is only found in the fellowship of Christ.
These are the key phrases to the heresy and I will explain why and interpret for you.
1. When any CF literature uses the phrase "lamp stand administration" they are talking solely about Christian Fellowship organisation eldership.
2. When they use the phrase "salvation is only found in the fellowship of Christ" they mean salvation is only found within the Christian Fellowship organisation. As soon as you leave BCF or MCF and attend another local church, you are not saved. That is what they are saying.
They say and write one thing but mean an entirely different thing. The entire Christian Fellowship organisation is built on gnostic teachings - that is - having a special revealed knowledge. Every piece of Christian Fellowship literature and spoken word has a special meaning and special definition that is different to what is the normal definition to your everyday man in the street/church. They twist words and give new meanings.

The interpretation to the ordinary man on the street of what the Christian Fellowship are saying is this:
"you will only be saved if you are part of the Christian Fellowship organisation, and you will only be saved if you have their understanding of salvation and completely submit to the organisation leadership (the lampstand administration) and you will only be saved if you stay in fellowship and are part of the Christian Fellowship organisation. If you are not part of the Christian Fellowship you have no salvation in Christ".. THAT IS WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN!

This is a statement of exclusivity and would not be out of place in the Exclusive Brethren, the Catholic Church or any other cult. It is not a statement of the protestant reformed evangelical teaching of any persuasion. There is no mention of salvation by faith and grace alone which are the bedrock foundations of the salvation message.

Their teaching is gnostic heresy, is rubbish and double talk and is completely against what is taught in the bible (note how they didn't quote a few scriptures in this breathtaking statement). If anything, it is the Christian Fellowship organisation that is saying it is possible to attain salvation "through profession of some salvation formula"! They have a formula - any person outside of their formula will be deemed to be unsaved in their eyes.
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Watcher »

I wish I was surprised but the xCF have been sliding down a very slippery slope for a long time. This has been the Offiler/Jackson/Hall saga rolled up together over an eighty year time frame.
I do not know what morality Offiler lived but he willfully misled people by his teaching.

Every xCF person needs to read 1st and 2nd Maccabbes and understand what "the awful horror" was.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?s ... erface=amp

That would be that same "awful horror" that Daniel writes about and Jesus (Matthew) told you to understand. Spelt out in black and white with a date stamp.

Offiler/Jackson/Hall/Connor all deliberately hid the Apocrypha from their followers. They did not want you to know. As if they did not have access to the Apocrypha. It was part of their original KJV bible.
I was conned. You can make up your own mind.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Fascinating reading in Maccabees Watcher. It's part of Jewish history I've been hazy on.

So are you analogizing the forcefulness of Antiochus on the Jewish people and his book burning to XCF's bullying tactics and not letting us read other Christian books?
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Re: BCF/MCF hitting a new low

Post by Watcher »

The Septuagint was the version of scripture used most commonly by the Jewry of Jesus day.

Matthew and Mark both warn the readers of their accounts to understand the references to the "awful horror".
Why is this important? So that lunatics like Hall & Jackson cannot make more of what was written than these two authors meant. That the references to what the authors would be unmistakable.
I am unable to explain eschatology to anyone exactly but I have more than demonstrated what the RFI/xCF teach just cannot be true.

Imagine for a moment telling a listener in Jerusalem in about AD 80 the Vic Hall version of Daniel's prophecy, with the Maccabeean revolt fulfilment of the prophecy and then the shadow cast onto AD 70. They would have just laughed at you, rightly.
These people had the living history. They had a sacked temple. They had lived between Egypt and the Seleucid empires post Greek conquest. Antiochus Epiphanes IV had cime to Jerudalem and sacrificrd pigs in the temple and sime many other awful things, to desicratr the tempke. The Macabbeean revolt was not two hundred years prior. The Jews lived under the rule of the Roman Empire that had filled the power void of the weakened Egyptian and Seleucid empires. Get a copy of Josephus and read it for yourselves.

Vic Hall ignores all of this. He pretends he knows better.
I do know he is wrong with what he teaches and you can check it out for yourselves. I do not know all of the answers at all, far from it. But, I am not committing all sorts of horrid crimes against you either dear xCFers. Study, learn for yourselves that Vic Hall is the false profit.

https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearc ... ersion=GNT

1 Maccabees 1:54
On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev in the year 145, King Antiochus set up The Awful Horror on the altar of the Temple, and pagan altars were built in the towns throughout Judea.

1 Maccabees 6:7
The Jews had pulled down the thing they called The Awful Horror that Antiochus had built on the altar in Jerusalem. They had also surrounded the Temple with high walls, as it had been before, and had taken and fortified the town of Bethzur, one of the king's own towns.

Daniel 9:27
That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.”

Daniel 11:31
Some of his soldiers will make the Temple ritually unclean. They will stop the daily sacrifices and set up The Awful Horror.

Daniel 12:11
“From the time the daily sacrifices are stopped, that is, from the time of The Awful Horror, 1,290 days will pass.

Matthew 24:15
[ The Awful Horror ] “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ of which the prophet Daniel spoke. It will be standing in the holy place.” (Note to the reader: understand what this means!)

Mark 13:14
[ The Awful Horror ] “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ standing in the place where he should not be.” (Note to the reader: understand what this means!) “Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills.

Interesting huh?
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