Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Boundary Rider
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Boundary Rider »

Thanks Paul.

Oh how they do grind on..... a whole week of this getting more turgid each day!!!!! The implication is "You blockheads don't get this teaching even now, and we're hear to drum it in until your brain is numb, and your spirit enslaved!!!"

Perhaps it's Vic's new offsiders Peter Hay and David Baker vigorously polishing Vic's apples to convince him that they are the new gurus of Vic's gospel, ready to step up to replace him when the sand in Vic's eternal hour glass runs out???? Either way the Queensland Mafiosi win, and it might be a short contest!!!

Paul Kovaks
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Paul Kovaks »

I've started 'The Little Ones List' . . in the best tradition of such lists . . not forgetting what they suffered.
And I will contribute to the list every day until I've anonymizedly listed a summary of each post-1992 (and some pre-1992) atrocity I know about.

PM or SMS 0411 091 999 me your brief story (or if you want to be removed from the list).
Post & pre-1992.
MCF, BCF or any XCF. ... ones-list/
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Paul Kovaks »

BTT from Indonesia wants to give big thanks to ALL OF YOU ON STREETCAR for posting about XCF.
It's helped her a lot as she's left an XCF..

She also is creating an Indonesian translation of my blog:

I hope you are all surviving the lockdowns!
God Bless

Last edited by Paul Kovaks on Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Thanomere84 »

This lady is a heroine of the modern church. God bless her precious soul and may she continue this righteous crusade against Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall's empire of evil!
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Bagel »

Hello BTT,

Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay on course.

Best wishes,

Paul Kovaks
Posts: 121
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Paul Kovaks »

HI all!

My blog, unchanged, is now at

I needed to annonymise my real name becuase my investors, customers & colleagues in my professional life were finding it!
I don't care about BCF/MCF knowing who I am, but not the whole world!
MCF-exposing is not all I do. Not everything has to be about that (to quote West Wing).

Stay safe guys!

And as a PhD biomed researcher, the Pfizer vax is very safe.
Get your kids vaxxed too.
Even age 2-11 about to be approved by FDA in Septmeber-ish.

Masks work.
Covid19 is real.
Vaccines work.
Just not
Becuase we didn't all believe that we created Delta and herd immunity will be hard to achieve.

Yes, Satan is doing lefty things behind the scenes, but the lockdowns & vaccines are not a conspiracy.
The main conspiracy going on is Satan is making Christianity look really silly because of anti-vax Chrisitians . . who are silly and ignore 9/10 points I raise but will listen to debunked conpiracy crap without critical thought.

I agree Wuhan probably accidentiy released the man made virus.
I agree AZ is not safe enough.

But Pfizer is very safe and the only way out of this together with a Pfizer Delta booster early next year.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by guest »

Hello Paul. How are you doing? I was a follower of your blog. Since it's been several years, just want to make sure you are ok. Please check in when you can....
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by guest »

I was a bit disappointed to see PK pushing the mandates and mocking critically-thinking Christians in his post above.

For someone who left the RFI I'm surprised that he didn't pick up on the same kind of fear-mongering, liberty-depriving coercion and manipulation that came from governments and media with regard to C19. My radar was pinging off the charts.

Imo, the most effective part of the vaxine rollout was the propaganda.

Maybe it's no surprise that many BCFers lined up to get muzzled and shot. Sadly some became very sick anyway.

If you volunteered freely and willingly, that's one thing and I support your right to make your own decision. But if you were coerced against your will, that's a different story and the perpetrators should be held accountable.

I don't like to talk about controversial topics, and I mean no offense to anyone here, but the similarities to RFI culture were too obvious for me to ignore.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by baptist1611 »

I agree. Paul Kovaks has lost a lot of credibility after his last comment here. It is quite ironic that someone who purports to be anti-cult behaves like a cultist when it comes to C19:
  • Presenting himself as an authority others must obey – "a PhD biomed researcher"
  • Making broad claims without evidence – "Pfizer vax is very safe"
  • Issuing orders to parents on what they must do with their children - "Get your kids vaxxed too"
  • Belittling, mocking, smearing and name-calling those who hold a different view – "anti-vax Chrisitians . . who are silly and ignore 9/10 points I raise but will listen to debunked conpiracy crap without critical thought"
Mr Kovaks' claim that "Pfizer vax is very safe" was a lie when he made it, but today it is undeniably so. Even the mainstream media can no longer hide the obvious, and is reporting vaccine deaths and injuries. In the last few days a class action has been filed against the federal government on behalf of many vaccine injured people...people who listened to the flawed advice of experts like Paul Kovaks.

I would like to know what Mr Kovaks has to say to those he advised to take this experimental treatment and were injured because they trusted his expert advice. The least he could do is to publicly apologise for giving false information, prescribing potentially deadly medical advice, and mocking sincere Christians who made an informed choice not to receive the treatment.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

@baptist1611 I'm happy to see your reply. I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up 'cult vibes' about the whole C19 shenanigans. My only regret is that I didn't speak up sooner, either here or elsewhere. In my [poor] defense, I was going through something akin to a nervous breakdown (weren't we all?) and lacked the reckless courage I had in my youth. One thing you don't learn in the RFI archipelago is how to speak up. If anything, they beat it out of you.

Nevertheless, what [they] intended for evil, God is using for good. All the best 🙏
👋 :ugeek:
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