Depression caused by Deception

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Boundary Rider
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Depression caused by Deception

Post by Boundary Rider »

This saying was recently sent to me by a friend who escaped from Restoration fellowships International: ---

"People who are deceived
do not believe
they are deceived ---
that is part of
The Deception."

Deception is fundamental to spiritual abuse as it steadily erodes a believer’s capacity to know truth from lies. The world Vic Hall has created in Restoration Fellowships International (Australasia) since he took over in 1988 is full of deception and lies. Much of this is based on Vic himself and his deceptive claim of his special relationship with the “Jesus” he claimed visited him in the 1970s, which occurred when Vic was alone, and has never been confirmed by witnesses. This deception is extended by the “New Words” Vic claims to have from this relationship with his “Jesus” which makes Vic “His” Messenger, Prophet and Apostle using the deceptive doctrine of “Present Truth” to further deceive those who have joined RFI since 1988.

So we have 34 years of deception and spiritual abuse which has made Victor John Hall a spiritually destructive and carnally wealthy man preying on spiritual gullibility in those who do not believe that they are deceived.

And as the saying above has said about Deception and those who use it is worth remembering who Vic actually serves.

Not Jesus, but the one whom Jesus Himself described as “the Father of lies’.

In Jesus’ own words from John chapter 8 when He was challenging the Pharisees and their distortion of truth (i.e. Lies) in the Law: --- “44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (NIV)

Boundary Rider
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Re: Depression caused by Deception

Post by Thanomere84 »

Dear BR,

The friend who escaped from RFI, is he/she a recent escapee, or has he/she been out for some time?

As for the latter part of your post, I know I have affirmed your messages time and time again, but I will never cease to grow weary of wholly and completely agreeing with what you say.

Vic 'The Vicious Hall' Hall will never admit that he's a bully and a manipulative dictator, but he will of course continue in it, believing all of his cruel and brutal actions to be 'discipline' and 'spiritual fathering' for the purpose of building 'the restoration church' (which of course is absolute hogwash). I often wonder, what's the latest in so-called 'present truth' that they've been hawking to their ever-blindly adoring congregations lately???

This man is an affliction to the church and truly gives our faith a bad name. I still feel quite mortified thinking of how many years I spent blindly following and hanging on to every word he said as though it was the gospel truth.
Boundary Rider
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Re: Depression caused by Deception

Post by Boundary Rider »

Hi Thnomere,
My contact has been out of the CFs for about ten years, but had to live with the consequences of the family members staying in the CF network This is often what happens to destroy the family unit, with the added hurt caused by denial of access to grandchildren.

The shunning wielded by Vic Hall and his lackeys is a form of emotional assassination, and blackmail.

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Re: Depression caused by Deception

Post by Hope4 »

“The shunning wielded by Vic Hall is……”

This type of behaviour proves beyond doubt that this group is cultic.

People can believe what they like and preach what they like but when it comes to cruel, abusive behaviour then they must be held to account.

Shunning and dehumanising anyone is harm beyond description.

When this abuse is justified by excusing it with statements such as, “the Lord told me to cut you off” or “this is the love of God to you” then it is abusive behaviour in the extreme.

Anyone using and condoning such cruelty and inhumanity should be exposed……….It’s inhumane, cruel, disgusting behaviour and can never be justified by any twisted scripture!!!!
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