Checklists and Helpful Information

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Re: Checklists and Helpful Information

Post by eagles »

Checklists and Helpful Information
I have actually saved my own posts for years; in an IRC chat room this is a continuous process performed by a bot (robot) like in a Bulletin Board (which is what the "BB" of "phpBB" stands for, after all.

BB logging, while automatic, as people here have found, can be destroyed by DOS and DDOS, and as the server is targeted in that form of attack, once it has happened, it is obviously too late.

I used to log chat room bots to a regular web page and as they are regular text files, they didn't occupy nearly as uch space as the pretty pages those bulletin boards creates. So...

When we were attacked in 2015-16 by the Microsoft browser stealth method, I placed my backups from here online, and you are welcome to look in the directories they are in, you are welcome.
First I created from page 1 of five pages about Gladys' death on my server at
at the subdomain of www,

There is a link at the bottom of the page to a "page two" which describes for the world to see exactly how they exploited one of Microsoft's failings.

Behaviour of a bullying church in the 21st Century in Australia
You think this is an exaggeration?

Here we'll look at just their illegal attacks
to shut down all forms of citizens' rights to speak out

Please read it as it shows history. You will notice they also claimed my domain was phishing for private information but this was also lies as a check at showed that site was and still is free of all nasties.Check it at the bottom of the front page at and you will see it is so.

... then I created my repository of what I saved at which may be a bit difficult to work your way through. In due course I may find the time to create a links page. This has taken all evenong to do from my sick-bed.

Anyway you are welcome to use them.


South Australia
where we fly backwards
(to keep the dirt out of our eyes !
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Re: Checklists and Helpful Information

Post by robocop »

Thank you Eagles for all your hard work and foresight in creating this Database. Very helpful to all of us.
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Re: Checklists and Helpful Information

Post by eagles »

np my friend :)

ps years ago when in my early 30's I was in Bunbury in WA. I was one of the shift team leaders at the TV station BTW channel 3 at that time (which was when the station opened).

I was also a member of a very big cult and on arrival was told to re-establish their lapsed congregation too.

One of our darker skinned brothers had been moved by the housing commission from Parkestone just east of Kalgoorlie where in those days they transhipped all the freight incoming by train from the east from standard guage to narrow gauge running across one of many very narrow timber platforms in an enormous two-gauge marshalling yard.

Andy like many others was made redundant through the Standard Gauge Project the W.A.G.R put together, largely funded by the feds. He got a job in the Bunbury area and the S.H.C. moved him and his charming wife and daughters there, delightful people.

I still cringe at remembering how stupid I was to come out with one of those trite contemporary "jokes"... I had done something to help him, I suspect, and I suppose wanted him to not feel obligated to me.

Do you remember that crass so-called joke that ran "I'd do the same for a white man?"

The words were barely out of my mouth when I realised.

Andy looked at me with a huge grin (because we were mates) and replied "No worries, Dick"

That's the nearest I have ever come to being a racist - by accident.

I left there some years later to work in Perth, and we were still mates.

Thank God. I mean that literally.

still in Adelaide :)
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Re: Checklists and Helpful Information

Post by Dexter »

Is there a way to share or link a topic or reply in a different thread within streetcar?
👋 :ugeek:
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