Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Seeker »

Thank you for that BreakFree! Perhaps Mr Maurice sees himself as the only one 'smart' enough to take over the RFI XCF conglomerate. One can sure feel the arrogance emitting from his mouth when he speaks.

I wonder how long people can listen to the same old stuff week after week? Of course, everyone has to chime in the old; "Yes,it's been brought before, but now there is so much more light coming forth." Really? Fish out one of the older 'books' the great Vicster wrote (or plagiarised) and tell me what's different.....NOTHING!
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by BreakFree »

I very much think Tim Will try to assert himself as the next leader once Vic goes. He'll either try for the top job or break the NSW branch off slowly and start a breakaway.

Yeap when you actually pair back the message it hasn't changed the only thing they change is how much Jargon they can cram into a sentence. in 2017 I was studying uni while working fulltime so managed to get a slight breather from CF doctrine. They had started with their "7 steps to salvation". By the time I had left they were up to edition 6. I put the pile next to my study bible and it significantly thicker, all I could do was look in disbelief. I told a faithful Christian man I worked with and had struck a friendship with, he just laughed he pointed to Romans 12 and said this is all you need.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Seeker »

Notice how it's ALWAYS "THE Word' and not GOD'S WORD? They continue to press the idea that 'the word' is coming from the presbytery, or 5 fold ministry, or Ephesian pattern, when it's all coming from the great sham master....the whole thing is a crock and again, it's amazing to me that the church members continue to fall for it.

I heard Vic (within the last year) say that in one of his mystical visits, he was given the Ephesian pattern to implement. Again, reading his earlier testimonies, there is NOTHING about the lampstand or Ephesian pattern......he just makes it up as he goes along, carefully deleting older testimonies that say something different. Not only that, from his first visit, he can't remember if Christ was a floating presence or a little Jewish man. Come on now Vic, I believe if you ere visited, you would NEVER forget what was said and what He looked like. It i all beyond dodgy to me. The emperors new close seems true here. None of his yes men would even dream of telling him something he doesn't want to hear. I keep thinking about the similarities between Vic and Stalin/Hitler/Jim Jones.....I pray the sheep wake up before actually swallowing what they seem to enjoy in this particular form of Kool Aid.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Dexter »

Interesting that you mention Kool Aid, Seeker.

I had what I believe was an epiphany during a BCF service years ago, which helped solidify my intention to escape. I realised that if VH told everyone to drink a "special communion", no-one would bat an eyelid, even if people started dropping dead around them. I imagined they'd all say, "Well, this is just the sufferings of Christ", or, "This must be how we lay our lives down for the brethren". That was the moment it hit me that I may actually be in a literal death cult.

Remember, Scripture tells us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, not a dead one!
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Seeker »

Excellent post Dexter. Everything was spot on...Thank you. I have heard several people say they trust Vic and believe every word he speaks. Sad, sad, sad.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Thanomere84 »

Seeker, I am ashamed to admit I was one of those people. I used to extol the virtues of Vic "the Vicious Hall" Hall as unquestionable, and his spoken messages as the unshakable, concrete gospel truth. However, now I am proud to say my eyes have been opened and I see him as the fallible, corrupt and thoroughly ruthless megalomaniac that he is. I only regret that I am unable to open the eyes of many of my dear family members and a lot of my former close friends, to see this truth as it is.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Seeker »

Thanomere84, no shame at all brother....I believe we have all may have been there at some point. I join you in the fact of being unable to open others eyes. I have greatly appreciated your posts and testimony here at Streetcar. Thank you! Please post more often!
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