Christmas 2023 / GOD IS WITH US

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Christmas 2023 / GOD IS WITH US

Post by guest »

No matter how lonely, isolated or sad anyone feels at present we can be sure that God has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

I will pause tomorrow morning and pray for all those families divided by the shunning within the BCF church community.

Do not despair, God has not left us.

We can trust implicitly in His love and sovereignty.

Love to everyone …. those within BCF and those caste aside.
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Re: Christmas 2023 / GOD IS WITH US

Post by Seeker »

Amen guest....Amen!
Posts: 70
Joined: Sun May 28, 2017 11:00 pm

Re: Christmas 2023 / GOD IS WITH US

Post by Thanomere84 »

Thank you. 8 years have passed and I won't deny it... I miss the warm Christmas atmosphere of my old church, before my eyes were opened. But better to walk painfully with eyes open, than to be headed towards a definite pit-trap with eyes closed in blissful ignorance. Your prayers are much appreciated.
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