The False Prophet

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The False Prophet

Post by Stargazer »

To Mr. Vic Hall, I’m sure you have many mutants in your control that troll through this public forum. Therefore I would like to ask you, or/and your trolls, some questions:
1. Over your 50 + years in the CF movement, you have spoken from the pulpit, multiple times that you have met with Jesus. These times dating from early 1970’s to present day. My question is, if you are The Only person(apart from your own daughter and wife) to ever have seen and talked and walked with Jesus and His mates up there, why do you not adhere to His teachings? Why do you blaspheme Him by adding and taking away His words of Counsel?
2. You say you are one with Christ, how did you not know that the original elders within Immanuel were heavily involved in sexual sins? Or did you know, but chose to stay silent?How come you didn’t have the mind of the Lord then? That’s being deceitful. The congregation was being told to “touch not the Lord anointing”.. typical religious cult verse to pull out of the hat when needed.
3. Why do you feel the need for power over individuals and families? What is in you that needs to have control within a loving marriage? Doesn’t the marriage ceremony include the vows “in sickness and in health…to death do us part…according to God’s Holy Law”. A marriage is none of your business. You have broken up countless numbers of loving unions. You should be ashamed of yourself.
4. Why do you think you are the only ones going to heaven? Please discuss this which I was told after the MCF September brainwashing conferences. Please explain.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: The False Prophet

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Mention of these CF September conferences keeps coming up in the forum threads. Obviously one was held in Melbourne. Does anyone know if one of these conferences was held in Brisbane? I do remember a friend saying he was going to Brisbane to stay with CF friends for the conference. It was after this that I notice a bit of a change in how he related to me. I was just assuming that Vic Hall and his lackeys trotted out some new revelation of “The Present Word” that focused on how CF related to others and family who are outside of the CF because I noticed a change in speak and aloofness. I read between the lines that something must have said or a new pamphlet of Vic Halls (or minions) must have been published. No doubt the intent of Vic Halls “present word” chameleon theology is to get people to withdraw and look inward rather than letting their Christian light shine to the world and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the pagans around them.

I have read other posts that mention that CF people were organising Christmases with other CF friends and foregoing meeting family for Christmas.
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Re: The False Prophet

Post by Stargazer »

Yea I agree with you FaithHopegood. The September brainwashing sessions certainly has taken a new evil twist to their relating with outside family and friends. I’m convinced that these cults will never cease to exist. We just collectively pray each person out one at a time. Research the FLDS cult, it shows unwavering support of its leader who is in prison today for sex crimes. He pastors the church from behind the prison bars. How gullible are people??
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Re: The False Prophet

Post by Thanomere84 »

Stargazer, those are really good questions. However, Vic "the Vicious Hall" Hall being the coward that he is, will never answer them. However, as much as it may seem abstract and distant, take comfort in this - he WILL, and he MUST answer these questions, and many more, as he stands before a certain Great White Throne.
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Re: The False Prophet

Post by guest »

The September/October Bible Seminars have been a staple of the CF program for a few years now. Usually a new book is rolled out and it's a convenient time to reign in the congregations since everyone is expected to attend either Melbourne or Brisbane. The Easter weekend is used in a similar manner. They've been increasingly encouraging CF members to commit more to the church at these seminars, hence the cutting off of outside family members. They're even discouraged from any socialising that's not about the present word.
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