Passing of Stewart Baird

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Boundary Rider
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Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by Boundary Rider »

For those people who knew Stewart and Yvonne Baird in Melbourne, before they shifted to Adelaide to live near their daughter Lorraine (Hall, wife of David W. Hall at West Lakes Christian Fellowship), you may like to know that Stewart died at 3 am this morning after a brief illness, at the age of 96.

Yvonne died in 2014, and Stewart has missed her greatly.

They will be missed in Adelaide, and are from the very early days of Emmanuel in Melbourne.

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Re: Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by eagles »

Thank you BR for posting that. I knew them both.

If I remember correctly, they were part of the Apostolic movement in Melbourne prior to "discovering" Immanuel.

When I knew them, I distinctly had the impression that they were what you might call "elder statesmen" and as Paul commented about others from that era, many were respected.

I didn't know that Yvonne had already gone (it is years since I dropped out of attending Gascoyne Avenue), and I suspect you are right over Stewart missing her over the years since; probably also their daughter Lorraine, and Lorraine and David's daughters - her grandchildren. It's probably a bit early to predict funeral details. 96 is a good "innings"

One wonders if their funerals have been redesigned using similar logic to their weddings.

Please keep us posted, my friend.

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Re: Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by blitzyblue »

I am sorry to hear that Stewart Baird (and Yvonne) has passed. I knew them both back in the days of Immanuel when it was at Canterbury.
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Re: Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by eagles »

Hullo Blitzyblue,
yeah. And welcome to the board !

Funeral was last Sunday from what I heard. In Adelaide. No interstate visitors/mourners present :(

(where are they?)
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Re: Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by blitzyblue »

thanks Eagles, it is great to be back! :)
Posts: 73
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Re: Passing of Stewart Baird

Post by eagles »

blitzyblue, I keep getting the feeling we know each other. If so I'd be happy if you PM'd me :)
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