Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Bagel »

Hi Folks,

Just wondering if we should consider keeping this forum a safe place for all survivors?

Paul has been through hell and back, not cool for others to ‘pile on’.

C19 was a tough time for all, there was a confluence of untold challenges and misinformation, so let’s not polarise or criticise here. It’s off topic and not helpful, take it elsewhere maybe.

I’m hoping Paul is doing ok, major issues had to be overcome. I welcome him here and want to hear from him if he wants to speak.

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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

Hi Bagel,

That's cool. It wasn't my intention to single Paul out or 'pile on' as you call it. And Paul, if you're reading this, please forgive me if it came across as a personal attack.

Yes, there was a lot of misinformation and confusion during c19 and a lot of people were, and still are, suffering because of it. That's why I spoke up.

Paul just happened to bear the brunt of my frustration because of his two-year-old comments. I don't know if he still stands by them and it's probably not my business either way. Regardless, I sincerely wish him the best wherever he is.

I appreciate your comment Bagel and maybe it's just a matter of perspective, but I don't think my comment was off-topic. As I mentioned, and baptist1611 agreed, most if not all of the hallmarks of RFI-like cultism were evident to me during C19.

Through one form or another, the messaging I kept hearing was this: "We are your source of truth, don't think for yourself," and "You are not free to choose what's best for you". Unsurprisingly this gave me flashbacks. It felt like I'd escaped the cell only to find myself in the prison. Unfortunately, though I'm certain he didn't intend it, Paul's comments elicited a similar response.

I can't speak for baptist1611, but it was the cultism of c19 that was the crux of my concern, not Paul personally. I can't stress that enough.

If this isn't the place to raise my concerns, I can't think of a better one presently, so please forgive me if I've offended you, or if you feel that I've overreacted. I'll try to find a safer place to voice these kinds of concerns.

Thanks for understanding.

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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by baptist1611 »

Bagel wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 10:30 pm Hi Folks,

Just wondering if we should consider keeping this forum a safe place for all survivors?

Paul has been through hell and back, not cool for others to ‘pile on’.

C19 was a tough time for all, there was a confluence of untold challenges and misinformation, so let’s not polarise or criticise here. It’s off topic and not helpful, take it elsewhere maybe.

I’m hoping Paul is doing ok, major issues had to be overcome. I welcome him here and want to hear from him if he wants to speak.

I mentioned previously some of the characteristics of cultists. Here are some more:
  • Making excuses for abusers and their vitriolic abuse of others – "he's been through hell and back"
  • Placing abusers on a level where they are free to abuse others, but they themselves may not be criticised – "let's not polarise or criticise here"
  • Turning victims into the abusers and turning the abusers into victims (gaslighting) – "not cool for others to pile on"
  • Shutting down those who voice their grievances about the abusers – "it's not helpful, take it elsewhere"
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by guest »

I'm hoping Victor J Hall (or one his mouth pieces) came to Paul, apologized and asked Paul to forgive him/them. Not only that, I hope they repaid him 'to the last farthing.'

I'm reaching here, but since Paul stopped posting here and stopped his blog,at the same time, my hope is he received what was due him. Perhaps (like GH) he had to sign a NDA. Again, I have no idea and just speculating here.

I wish Paul all the best. Guest7
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

I can empathize with Paul to a degree.

As I look back at the last 20 years, I wonder where I'd be if I hadn't taken the advice of charlatans posing as God's elite and exclusive messengers.

And if anyone doubts that they're charlatans, the proof is in the pudding, of my life at least. I made the mistake of trusting men who posed as God, rather than God Himself, and I'm still paying for it. In hindsight I can recognise where the Holy Spirit was convicting me and directing me, but at the time I opted to listen to the so-called messengers instead, because I was more afraid of them than God.

To be fair, I'm sure their advice works for a certain percentage of the population, which is evidenced by the fact that some people still gleefully attend. But for those of us who don't fit the mold, it's game over. If there are any creative or deep-thinking types in the RFI who are reading this, you might identify with what I'm saying.

I held on for dear life and never wanted to relinquish my membership in the exclusive, elite fellowship of the RFI. Unfortunately, for reasons still not entirely clear to me, I was kicked out of one of the RFI churches and treated like a leper. ThAt wAs gReaT fOr tHe sOuL. 🤪

In hindsight, I realise that I got into the most trouble when I showed the most initiative. Eventually, they managed to beat every living trace of initiative out of me, and let me tell you, there is not one single employer I've worked for since who has appreciated my comprehensive lack of initiative. Not one.

Nevertheless, forgetting what lies behind (what lies, indeed!), and reaching forward to the things ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 🥅
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

Further to my last post:
The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in and puts his confidence in the LORD will be exalted and safe.

Proverbs 29:25, Amplified Bible
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by guest »

So sorry to hear what happened to you Dexter. Unfortunately, that seems to be the ongoing theme from Vicster the trickster and his all to willing gestapo's.

"Nevertheless, forgetting what lies behind (what lies, indeed!), and reaching forward to the things ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

This is a wonderful reminder for us all......and sad to say,one of the hardest things to do (for me at least) is forgetting. However, I do feel it is very important for Streetcar to continue. Not only to warn people what they are in for, but to offer a safe place to vent and offer comfort for those who are conflicted between what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them vs what Vic's tripe is placing on them. Finding this place has helped me so much. Knowing there are others who have faced things much worse than I have helps a lot in knowing I'm not crazy and it's not just me that feels this way.

In one of Vic's recent 'admonitions', he stated someone said; "I see old Vic has moved the goal posts again". So true, but he started throwing out his Vic speak gobbledegook to shame whoever said that. I'm sure if someone did indeed say that, (who know if it's true as Vic has a penchant for twisting words and fabricating lies in order to pat himself on the back for his clever retorts) I'm sure they have been raked over the coals and set aside as damaged goods. How dare anyone pull back the curtain and expose the great swamp wizard of oz.

We are to forgive those who trespass against us, but it is certainly a challenge as the abuse keeps on keeping on with no remorse or repentance. I'm certain (as I've seen it first hand) that those on tithe are downright afraid to challenge (let alone talk to) him. Imagine being an older person on tithe and suddenly having your whole life (spiritually, humanly and financially) ripped apart in a minute. Left high and dry for daring to question the great Pope Vic.

I will post at a later date several of the vile things I've heard come out of his fallen, narcissistic, foul mouth. It is hard for me to believe that one who has had the special meetings with Jesus (as Vic so humbly professes...yeah, right) can treat people as mean and callously as he does. There is NOTHING that comes out of his mouth about caring for and loving others. It's the same old "You are going to hell if you don't receive, believe and (most of all) obey every word I speak." Lord, please help tand comfort hose trapped in this vicious dictators grip.

I guess if you continually preach that we do not come to the Father through Christ, but through Vic and his little Vicites, people start to believe it. Sad, but true. Oh yes......the lie that it's a 'presbytery' of the Ephesian pattern is a HUGE lie. The presbytery actually consists of Vic. That's it...just good old Vic. However he tries to whitewash things and insist they have a 'fellowship' is pure dung.Can you picture Vic saying; "Gee, you know what Murray, (or put any name here that's received his boot in their rear end) I hadn't thought of that! You are correct and I was wrong....we must change this and tell the body I was wrong!"
Ha Ha Ha HA Ha Ha.....sad to say, that will NEVER happen.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

Thank you guest,

Just a quick FYI, I copied my post above into a new topic, "Testimonials and Reviews", in the Brisbane Christian Fellowship forum. I thought it would make better sense there.

I agree that Streetcar is valuable, even as a reference to check my own experiences against others.

I also 100% agree that forgiving and forgetting is both necessary and (somehow) possible. But as I've mentioned elsewhere, Jesus forgave those who crucified Him, yet we still read about them in the Bible. Likewise, Stephen when he was being murdered, "cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” [Acts 7:60, BSB], yet there it is written for us. Otherwise, how would we know it happened?

When I write here, I try to keep things as truthful and accurate as possible, with minimal emotion. While the lack of emotion could be a result of being raised in the RFI where emotion = weakness, my reasoning is that I'm trying to avoid emotive language so that I don't stir up anger or resentment. I'd like to stick to the facts and let the reader infer their own conclusions.

On another note, one thing that bothers me is when I hear that a former member has found respite through psychology and psychiatry. Don't get me wrong-–do whatever it takes to get over the abuse (as long as it doesn't involve causing more abuse, of course). It's just that on the surface, It seems to be a poor witness, e.g. "I went to church and was abused, then I went to a psychologist and was healed".

My concern is that there may a case being built to eventually crack down on churches altogether, especially if a secular government is involved. It's already a poor witness that so many current members (from what I've heard or read) are surreptitiously seeking help from the psych industry.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Dexter »

guest wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 11:04 am I'm certain (as I've seen it first hand) that those on tithe are downright afraid to challenge (let alone talk to) him.
I saw this first hand too. A grown man, an elder, talking to VH like a child talks to a headmaster. That spun me out 😵‍💫 and I wondered what on earth I was a part of. The word "cult" wasn't in my vocabulary back then.
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Re: Paul Kovak's MCF Blog

Post by Hope4 »

On another note, one thing that bothers me is when I hear that a former member has found respite through psychology and psychiatry. Don't get me wrong-–do whatever it takes to get over the abuse (as long as it doesn't involve causing more abuse, of course). It's just that on the surface, It seems to be a poor witness, e.g. "I went to church and was abused, then I went to a psychologist and was healed".
My survival was in God’s hands and it was God who provided a wonderful GP for my initial help and support. Without this doctor, I don’t think I would be alive today.

The GP referred me to a psychologist and this professional was exceptional. I was never outside of God’s care and kindness because He provided these people to walk with me when I had no one.

To this day I honour these professionals for saving my life. They were God’s provision to me and evidence of His grace and mercy. I will thank God all my days for their treatment was exactly what I needed for my healing.
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