Recent teachings

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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

Be careful of the unsaid here. There is an unsaid implication, and seasoned xCF readers will probably automatically make the mental jump (or join the dots). Let me explain.

There is an underlying premise that says the ‘xCF word’ is the ‘word of Christ’ because it has a polarising effect. There is no doubt that Vic, and his doctrine, has a polarising effect. On a side note, I think he does it on purpose, so as to get a ‘bite’. But ask yourself the question, just because it has a polarising effect, does it automatically make it the ‘two-edged word of Christ’ referred to in the book of Hebrews? Donald Trump has a polarizing effect, so does Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk, Kayne West, Pauline Hanson, Greta Thunberg, Joe Rogan, … Do all these people have the ‘word of Christ’ because what they say has a polarizing effect? Clearly not. Don’t join those dots.

To me right now, the most impactful part of the quoted Hebrews passage is that, “… all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account”. Sobering words. And that is the reason I had to leave BCF; because I have to give an account to God.

I could say more, but honestly, I’ve got better things to do right now.
Trust you’re all well.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

What spirit are people being led by.
How do they know its the Holy Spirit. There are different types of spirits so what assurance do you have it's actually of God.

In medical circles someone who claims to hear the voice of God would in most cases be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
What's the difference between following 'the spirit' and doing what you actually want. There are no checks and balances, such a dangerous position.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by Dexter »

What spirit are people being led by.
How do they know its the Holy Spirit.
What's the difference between following 'the spirit' and doing what you actually want.
Great questions, guest. I've asked myself the same things.

I think a good place to start is Galatians 5, for example:

Galatians 5:22-26 NKJV‬
[22] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. [24] And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. [25] If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. [26] Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Being careful not to judge xcf any more harshly than I judge myself, I think it's critical to examine the fruit of both the individuals and the organisation. There are so many reports of abuse and strife within xcf that I think it's reasonable to question which spirit they're of.

Likewise, just because someone has left xcf doesn't ipso facto make them of the Holy Spirit. We should all continually examine ourselves to make sure we're of the right Spirit. This is why we also need continual, real, genuine fellowship (not just 'yes' men who pat our backs and tell us how amazing we are), because unfortunately our own hearts are inclined to deceive ourselves. It's a tough game but in/through Christ we can be victorious.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by Dexter »

And that is the reason I had to leave BCF; because I have to give an account to God.
Same, guest. Same.

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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

Giving an account to God is also exactly why I not only stepped down (from bringing 'the word', not on tithe thankfully) and "drew away" as the Vic puppets put it these days. Even though I still hear whisperings that I have a veil over my eyes and all the other sayings/things the CF's use to steer people away from contact with the antichrist! Truth is, I NEVER drew away from God....just away from 'the evil one' and his poor deluded men that drank good ol' unkie vic's kool-aid.

If you listen to any of RK's teachings, (for lack of a better word) it's always how the fallen, carnal man, not only act, but what they feel, say, hide,It's all pure psychology.,,,,which I was told "You do not use psychology in preaching.' Also told, "Do not bring in any history, (especially when preaching on the 7 churches in Revelation, which was nearly weekly!) or things that you've read. Just bring what you were asked (TOLD!) to. Saying and not doing convicted me that I was not elder material.

It's just more of the same word it has always been..."We (being Vic and those he chooses to be worthy) are the messengers that are bringing the true word, And if you do not have that, you have nothing, just mens ideas. Ah, HELLO VIC! Wake up call fella.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

Just re-posting the video link referenced in an earlier post. The previous link appears to have been moved. ... es_720.mp4
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by Stargazer »

Just tried to watch the video guest provided the link for. This guy Vic Hall is completely nutters! He’s intentionally passive aggressively trying to put a negative “seed” thought regarding family cultures. He is coming to divide the family. He is a narcissistic bully. On top of this… he’s outright boring to listen to! Who the heck listens to this garbage and believes it’s from God! He is definitely speaking through the spirit but it’s opposite to the Holy Spirit.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

Very astute Stargazer! The thing is, vic gets more nutters and passive aggressive as he ages. While the term 'word salad' has always applied to his "admonitions' (or whatever else he came up with the shame the congregation that has kept him in fine, fine steed for the past 30-40 years. The perfect example of a charlatan.

Also, "tried to watch the video" is a perfect way to say it. Not an easy thing to watch this egotistical ball of conceit spew out his vile gospel.
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by guest »

Okay, Vic's style is passive-aggressive and mostly rough. Fair observation. But my concern is the content of the message, not the style.

One of the previous posts rightly asked why people would even want to listen to him. And the answer is complicated. Even this thread will likely only increase the resolve of BCF members who read it. How do I know? Because that was me.

I remember hearing the 'attacks' against Vic and BCF. I was very quick to defend and find fault in those attacking BCF. And yes, finding fault in some of the online articles and threads wasn't difficult. But if I had been completely objective, I would have asked myself, "Is there any possibility that what these people are saying could have any element of truth?". I never thought to ask that question. I was devoted to defending. Why?

The culture at BCF rewards those who defend BCF vigorously. If you defend, you're promoted as someone who is "on board" or "loves the brethren" or "[insert latest BCF jargon compliment here]". And if you can do some of Vic's dirt-throwing activities for him, you'll certainly be rewarded. It all contributes to the culture. The problem is that the culture is not centred around Christ. The culture is centred around a narcissistic leader. It just is.

To those in BCF, take a step back and have a good, hard look at it. Look at the fruit of Vic's leadership. Compare his teachings against a sound interpretation of the Bible. Ask yourself a few questions that may prompt you to look at things objectively. When was the last time BCF had a guest speaker from outside the CF network? Which Bible scholars would they recommend you read? When was the last time a speaker referenced teaching material that was not published by RFI? Do you think that it's possible that after decades, or even generations of BCF attendance, you could have a few blind spots? When was the last time you genuinely heard 'a word' from a Christian brother or sister who was not part of the CF group? Do you feel this is a Church that people can come to, hear the gospel and be saved? How often does this happen? Are you comfortable inviting friends or colleagues to BCF or any of the 'outreach' events?

I'm sure you can think of far more astute questions than mine. But please do whatever it takes to seek the truth in all you do. The Bible clearly tells all of us to do so (Eph 4:25, Psa 25:5, Jn 8:32, Prov 23:23, Jas 1:5, Prov 12:17, Jn 14:6, and many, many more...)
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Re: Recent teachings

Post by Stargazer »

There’s one simple question that BCF/MCF need to answer….Please share with us “What are the fruits of your word?”……. We wait with great anticipation….
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