What is happening in MCF these days?
What is happening in MCF these days?
Just curious as to how things are going in Melbourne. With several elders (who had to nerve to actually grow older) relieved of their duties, who is now on tithe?
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
What I understand is that the current leadership in the Melbourne branch of XF have no professional theological training at all.They just have an allegiance to the main XF leader Mr. V Hall. Even more troubling, is that it is run by a gentleman named Mr. R. Kaa who is a qualified Psychologist. Oh how the leader of the Brisbane XF would be rubbing his hands together to have a trained professional in the Psych realm! All said with a smile
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
The latest from Melb CF is they are trying to raise $12,000,000 to further develop the property. Yes, thats the correct number of noughts! Does anyone have the lowdown on what they need a new building for?
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
$12 mill is a lot of money to spend on a building, when there is only 150 max that turn up each Sunday!!
The latest “word” that is preached the last month or so, is “surprise surprise”… on tithing to help fund the build. Also “that parents need to cease their child’s Saturday sports and put the money that would be allocated to their child’s sport, towards the church building instead”… this also applies to the seniors to cease their extra curricular sports and hobbies so the funds can also be put towards the $12 mill to fund the build.
Of course we “the outsiders” can also see this is another avenue to cease and control, their outside CF social relationships. Literally psychotic behaviours gone mad from the top leadership. So so sad 

Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
It will take much more than depriving the congregation of just those few dollars to raise 12 million!
The current building is more than big enough for their current needs, so there must be another reason for a 12 million dollar project. Anyone know?
The current building is more than big enough for their current needs, so there must be another reason for a 12 million dollar project. Anyone know?
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
MCF have a secondary business called Harvest Conference Centre. This little side hustle they have apparently generates big business!! I wonder if they still can claim the tax exemption status from takings? Mr Taxman should go and have a look into this side adventure.
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
A quick check of google shows that the name was changed to Wonga Park conference centre.
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Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
Thankyou to Stargazer and all who have contributed to this thread.
It is truly appalling to read about this development particularly
Reading between the lines, I can be fairly confident that whoever preached that “Present Word” in a small congregation of 150 people was deliberately targeting one or two families specifically with his “word from God” who had kids who are playing sport and weekend commitments. Remember these ruthless leaders (who are wolves in sheeps clothing) want nothing more than total and complete control over everyones lives and nothing irks them more than to see people happy and enjoying themselves and kids getting a rounded education and development.
Will be interested to hear updates.
It is truly appalling to read about this development particularly
This is typical of cult type behaviour and pretty much a carbon copy of what happened in Toowoomba years ago. Falk was demanding tithes, double tithes, first fruits offerings etc etc and offerings from all the church whilst he lived in a palace and drove new cars - all paid for by the serfs. The hypocrisy is stunning. Are the leaders of MCF still driving around in nice church paid cars, and one would hope that the MCF leaders have also cut back their social activities to take the lead and contribute as well. Not a good look if the leader is still going to a weekly bowls match in a church funded new leased car during a cost of living crisis whilst asking parents to withdraw their kids from weekend sport.The latest “word” that is preached the last month or so, is “surprise surprise”… on tithing to help fund the build. Also “that parents need to cease their child’s Saturday sports and put the money that would be allocated to their child’s sport, towards the church building instead”… this also applies to the seniors to cease their extra curricular sports and hobbies so the funds can also be put towards the $12 mill to fund the build.
Reading between the lines, I can be fairly confident that whoever preached that “Present Word” in a small congregation of 150 people was deliberately targeting one or two families specifically with his “word from God” who had kids who are playing sport and weekend commitments. Remember these ruthless leaders (who are wolves in sheeps clothing) want nothing more than total and complete control over everyones lives and nothing irks them more than to see people happy and enjoying themselves and kids getting a rounded education and development.
Will be interested to hear updates.
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
Charity: Melbourne Christian Fellowship INC
ABN: 69604549445
Current as of August 2024
All publically available information:
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... 60/profile
Board Members:
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... c60/people
Gary Wise (Adelaide, SA)
Jonathon Wills [Vice-president] (Wangratta, Vic)
Mark Lupson [Treasurer] (Melbourne / Sunbury, Vic)
Paul Tucker (Shepparton, Vic)
Peter Baird (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Peter Hay (Brisbane, Qld)
Peter Hill [Secretary] (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Richie Kaa [President] (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Rod Grant (Wangratta, Vic)
Sean Worth [previous Treasurer] (Melbourne / Sunbury, Vic)
Steve Anderson (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Tim Gontier (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Tom Miatke (Horsham, Vic)
Financial Year 2023 (as of 30 June 2023)
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... d3ad24c60/
ABN: 69604549445
Current as of August 2024
All publically available information:
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... 60/profile
Board Members:
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... c60/people
Gary Wise (Adelaide, SA)
Jonathon Wills [Vice-president] (Wangratta, Vic)
Mark Lupson [Treasurer] (Melbourne / Sunbury, Vic)
Paul Tucker (Shepparton, Vic)
Peter Baird (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Peter Hay (Brisbane, Qld)
Peter Hill [Secretary] (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Richie Kaa [President] (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Rod Grant (Wangratta, Vic)
Sean Worth [previous Treasurer] (Melbourne / Sunbury, Vic)
Steve Anderson (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Tim Gontier (Melbourne / Croydon, Vic)
Tom Miatke (Horsham, Vic)
Financial Year 2023 (as of 30 June 2023)
https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/chariti ... d3ad24c60/
Last edited by guest on Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: What is happening in MCF these days?
Thank you guest for providing the above MCF information. Of all the board members listed, who have got formal theological qualifications/accreditation to lead such an organisation?
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