Narcissistic Failures.

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Narcissistic Failures.

Post by BreakFree »

After I left CF my first phase of recovery was getting information. What was I involved in. A Cult. My first therapist helped me understand cults and narcissism. Most cult leaders would be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder except for the fact Narcissistic people have such grandiose opinion of themselves they are unlikely to ever acknowledge they have a problem.

My Therapist made this point: 'Cult Leaders are most critical of their own failures'

I googled this statement today 'narcissistic people critical of their biggest failure' this is the top 3 results. ... ojection#1 ... sist-fails

I was connected to the NSW branch of CF who sat under the leadership of Tim Maurice. Tim frequently talks about the issue of Pornography. I can remember sitting in Young Adults or Sunday communion and every couple of weeks "there's such a big Pornography problem among the men, you need to bring it into the light and fellowship about it". At the time I scratched my head at his approach to dealing with the issue. Clearly just "fellowshipping" and "just praying" about the issue wasn't resolving it. While I was studying my Diploma of community services, my lecturer (a seasoned social worker) made this point day 1. Addiction is the hardest of all the social issues to deal with and requires a multipronged approach. I thought it was amusing Tim thought he could resolve the seemingly big problem of porn in the Sydney CF.
As I have reflected on this the more I am convinced Tim's narcissism failure is on full display. While I have no substantial evidence I would take an educated guess (yes I do have a degree in social science and can back my opinions up) that Tim Maurice is actually the one with a Porn Addiction. It should be no supprise for me to highlight he craves the adoration of the followers especially the women.

other points of interest. Tim was very critical of business people probably because he failed at owning a business, also he was critical toward teachers, he was a Teacher at a Sydney Gramma School before going on the Tithe. Seems like quite the backward step to take, if he is as good as he claims then why isn't he teaching at a university level.

Food for thought
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