What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Helen Pomery
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Helen Pomery »

I am praying for God's deliverance, mercy, wisdom, courage, strength and arms of comfort for you, your family, your friends and the broader Adelaide Fellowship / guest

If you are reading streetcar, please know that this weekend there have been prayers for all those who are suffering.

Many who are out of that group are still processing pain and loss. Their suffering has not ended.

Many who are still within the Fellowship seem to be living in a fog, not knowing who or what to believe.

So many young ones are suffering in silence. I have been praying for the children earnestly. We can pray that God will deliver them from evil. Jesus taught us that.

We will continue to beseech God to deliver His people out of bondage / a place of extreme harm.

I am one of many who are deeply concerned and who will remain faithful to see God’s people delivered and healed.
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Demelza »

West Lakes CF has been very quiet. Any new developments.
The silence is concernining
Boundary Rider
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Boundary Rider »

.... not only concerning, but deafening.

Two things may be a little clearer if David Hall is about to be diplaced/retired/pensioned off (??? highly unlikely in view of past similar examples): ---
1.It seems less likely that Richie Karr will give up leadership of MCF to come to Adelaide, despite his frequent visits in the past 18 months
2. it also seems less likely that Tim Maurice will readily relinquish the fiefdom he is assiuously building up under Vic's nose to effectivly be in control of the NSW Restoration Fellowsip operations, despite his frequent visits in the past 18 months

Watching this space is more like watching a vacuum.

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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by guest »

Matt 5:10-12
We are at peace.

We trust our Lord Jesus Christ, in His timing, will bring down the walls of the temple of (Vic) Hall and set the captives free. Some of us have been subtly threatened with innuendos that our lives will be destroyed and made desolate if we raise our concerns. So, we remain silent. Our silent prayer and hope cannot be coerced.

For those who come amongst us in person, please don't assume a persons darkness on mere appearance of obedience and conformance. There are many of us who know and see the truth who smile and help out with practical matters. These people are still our community.

Vic Hall now has a degree educated (dark) pysychologist watching over us, looking for people with signs of concern to separate out and devour.
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by guest »

guest wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:09 am Matt 5:10-12
We are at peace.

We trust our Lord Jesus Christ, in His timing, will bring down the walls of the temple of (Vic) Hall and set the captives free. Some of us have been subtly threatened with innuendos that our lives will be destroyed and made desolate if we raise our concerns. So, we remain silent. Our silent prayer and hope cannot be coerced.

For those who come amongst us in person, please don't assume a persons darkness on mere appearance of obedience and conformance. There are many of us who know and see the truth who smile and help out with practical matters. These people are still our community.

Vic Hall now has a degree educated (dark) pysychologist watching over us, looking for people with signs of concern to separate out and devour.
Guest, you are extremely perceptive. Be assured that all our prayers are with you. Many people from other parts of the country know EXACTLY what you are talking about, even though they have never visited the Adelaide fellowship. You're right. There is a spirit about this, and it's not good. But remember, the body of Christ is One, including Christians who attend other churches across Adelaide. Please be on guard, and know that you are not alone.

And if I could indulge in one more encouragement—which I'm sure you already know—the book of Revelation tells us how we overcome. It's not by fighting. It's by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony (Rev 12:11). Remember what Jesus did for you, and continue sharing YOUR testimony.
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Demelza »

It is beyond understanding why Andrew Ready and family would continue to stay in such a toxic environment, given they have already lost 1 son as a result of such unhinged beliefs!!!! ??
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by BreakFree »

Hi Dezelma, Firstly welcome.

Your question as to why. Understanding the cult personality will help you to gain a perspective. But add a layer of complexity to the mix when you believe your salvation is linked to a course of action you have an ability to go against your instincts.

Having done the shunning and also been shunned. I can understand the mental gymnastics of doing something. I have talked about this else where in more detail as well but when I was leaving I was told God would Damn me if I went to another church. That fear kept me in CF for 3 more months. I eventually had to ask myself what's worse living in hell now or going in the future. I concluded living in present hell was worse so I got the courage to leave.

If Andrew truly believes he is doing the right thing and that God wants him to continue the way he is going then there is very little anyone could do to convince him otherwise. this is why religious cults are so dangerous.
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by guest »

---non-Adelaide Guest---

Firstly, to those in Adelaide and our Adelaide Guest above, our heart and prayers are with you. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will give you the courage and protection to carefully and wisely share small bits of the truth and good news of Jesus Christ as you remain on the inside with your family. Our prayer is that your family and loved ones will receive a seed of God's life and carefully start asking questions as you share the love that Jesus gives you to share. May God bless you in your heart abundantly.

Now onto some uncomfortable truths.

The level of obedience that Victor Hall demands and somehow achieves of his CFs are in our view, horrifically similar to that achieved by Jim Jones in the 1970s. If you are not familiar with Jim Jones, please at least read the wikipedia link below, but please carefully consider prior to looking at the images on theguardian link. Knowing what we know of Victor Hall, the images from Jonestown makes us feel very very ill. We feel the demonic spirit that worked in William Branham and Jim Jones continues now in Victor Hall and previously in others.

Jim Jones' following grew out of the Latter Day Rain movement and copied the teachings of William Branham.

The CFs also grew out of the Latter Day Rain movement, but in Australia, with Ray Jackson Snr (Melbourne) and Victor Hall (now Brisbane) copying these teachings. These copied teachings and personal narrative is what Victor Hall now claims as his personal revelations and visitations from Jesus and can be read in his books today.

When the authorities came to investigate Jim Jones, the result was the images you see from Jonestown.
We don't know how or when it will happen, but the authorities will come for Victor Hall.

The below link provides background information about Jim Jones:

Warning Distressing Content: the below link is very confronting and disturbing and includes horrific images from Jonestown:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/ ... 0-years-on

William Branham historical research:

Rebranded narative from William Branham which Victor Hall has copied:

If people find this post inappropriate or too distressing, we are willing to hear your thoughts.

---non-Adelaide Guest---
Helen Pomery
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Helen Pomery »

Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will give you the courage and protection to carefully and wisely share small bits of the truth and good news of Jesus Christ as you remain on the inside with your family.

Non-Adelaide Guest
We have been blessed by several sermons regarding the Holy Spirit at our church in recent weeks.

I am so grateful He is our counsellor for we all surely need counselling after any contact with the Christian Fellowship groups around Australia. Manipulation, deception, coercion and abuse are complex issues.

I am praying that God will deliver His people from evil and I will stand in that faith and hope.

Please be assured you are not alone!
You have not been forgotten!
Many are praying for your deliverance!
We are here to help any who wish to reach out.

Thank God He has mercy on us all, that we have the love of Jesus and the constant help of the Holy Spirit.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: What is happening in the Adelaide Fellowship? (Westlakes Christian Fellowship)

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Hi Breakfree,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts:
Having done the shunning and also been shunned. I can understand the mental gymnastics of doing something. I have talked about this else where in more detail as well but when I was leaving I was told God would Damn me if I went to another church. That fear kept me in CF for 3 more months. I eventually had to ask myself what's worse living in hell now or going in the future. I concluded living in present hell was worse so I got the courage to leave.
This is exactly the same thing I was told at BCF and people in the Toowoomba Fellowship also said the same thing. We can’t underestimate the power of telling someone they will be damned and lose their salvation, their sanity, their family, their livlihood and God will curse them if they leave the Christian Fellowship. There is absolutely nothing Christian Gospel about this. The exact same thing is said and done in other groups such as: The Exclusive Brethren, The Jehovahs Witnesses, Scientologists and probably many other groups. They are told that “we have a superior theology, we have a special revealed word, our leader has been visited by God” and what they claim is that when you have had this “special word and understanding revealed to you” and you walk away, then your salvation is going backwards. Of course those cult leaders who say this will always have a scriptural half-truth plus a few anecdotes of bad things that have happened to those who left in order to strengthen their claims.

However, any group which uses these techniques is just using cultish mind control tricks in order to manipulate, intimidate and dominate you.

I know I felt the same dread when my husband decided that our family would leave the fellowship after much verbal abuse by the leaders. Certainly for months we cowered and felt like the earth was going to open up and swallow us and that lightning would strike us from above. And lets not forget the well used threat of Ananias and Saphira where God will just strike you dead (yes that was used against us as well).

However over time we realised that the small “g” god we had been worshipping at the fellowship was not the God of love, forgiveness, reconcilation new life etc. By going back and reading the New Testament and praying without reference to Vic Halls dreadful pamphlets and books, we were finally able to see the true God of the Bible.
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