To the silent majority who stay in CF but question many teachings that are not biblically based but VIC speak please consider moving to a healthier environment.
As more and more organisations ( media, ATO) are beginning to pay attention to the shunning practice, to the exclusiveness, to the spiritual abuse, to the questionable “charity status and to the many who have left that need mental health support due to this shunning practice, please consider leaving this destructive organisation. I know that many continue to weigh up the cost as there is always a risk of losing family. Please do not believe the narrative about ones who have left.
You may have been told they are lost, Rebellious, Cursed because they chose to leaveCF But that is not true. Most, Like myself, Have found excellent church communities where they have been able to flourish Be the person That God has called them to be.
We continually pray That you may be enabled by God To choose his ways and hear his voice firstly so that you can make those tough decisions
Consider your well-being and the well-being of your family
Re: Consider your well-being and the well-being of your family
I have just been reading over some of the posts here and I am wondering how the silent majority is going at the moment given everything that is happening across the country. Please consider your well-being and get out before everything comes tumbling down around you.
Your children deserve a better future.
Praying for your peace, courage, and future.
Your children deserve a better future.
Praying for your peace, courage, and future.
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