I wanted to start this thread as something caught my attention in the latest post from Samson. I am posting here as to not distract from that post.
Lord Have Mercy said this
I wanted to speak of my own experince here.Part of me wishes there was a way we could reconnect former xcfers together (non-anonomously, like here on SC). I wonder how many people I knew have left in recent times. Hopefully one day my old friends feel they can reach out to me if ever they start questioning things themselves.
My contact details did not change when I left CF. Someone tracked me down via the host of a podcast I was interviewed on. When I emailed them their response was I didn't even think of Email. I had deleted all social media but my email and phone were the same.
I would encourage people to reach out to people you feel led too, you may get a reply you may not but at least you tried.
Be sensitive though. If your are wanting to reconnect with someone who was hurt directly by your actions do not push the point with them. Remember we all have trauma and sometimes even the best intentions can cause more damage.