David Baker

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David Baker

Post by BreakFree »

Does anyone know the history of David Baker?
I just remembering him sort of appearing around the 2010 mark and him taking the reins of TCF when David Falk was let go.
But I cannot figure out why he was elevated to the status he has. All I can deduce is he either knows stuff or has done stuff.
I am genuinely asking as I have no context for him. I only saw him at the bible school weekends.
thanks in advance.
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Re: David Baker

Post by Buddy »

The only thing I know about David Baker is this: He seems to be a very intelligent fella, but he has certainly bought into the false gospel of sir vicenstien 120%. Just another of the man minions vic has created. I'll be interested to know his background.
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Re: David Baker

Post by Dexter »

Regarding the elevation of status, it may have something to do with his parents or family connections. I don’t know anything about the family to make an educated comment, but it could have been a Hannah/Samuel (Old Testament) situation where the parents “offered” him to the “temple”, so to speak. It wouldn’t surprise me if something like that had come about based on a TCF/Falk sermon about dedicating firstborn sons… I have no idea honestly though. Only the parties involved know. All we can do is speculate.

I agree with Buddy that DB is very intelligent and knowledgeable. However, the fact that he still toes VH’s line after the Falk fiasco perhaps goes to show that intelligence and knowledge don’t necessarily always go hand in hand with discernment and wisdom. But again, I don’t know enough about that particular situation to make an educated comment, so my speculation is as good as anyone else’s as to why DB and the others stayed on board after DF’s fall from grace.
👋 :ugeek:
Faith Hopegood
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Re: David Baker

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Hi Dexter, Buddy and Breakfree.

My husband and I knew David Baker and his parents for many years in Toowoomba ever since David was at school. We were in a home group with them too for a short while.

A little bit of history, David's father Bruce (a nice guy) ran his own contracting/construction business in Toowoomba and was very diligent and profitable and was a main financial contributor to TCF when David Falk was pharaoh in Toowoomba. We got to see first hand the double standards that the CF elders applied to those who had something valuable to give the church - in this case money. Whilst Falk came down like a sledge hammer on everyone else in the congregation, he basically gave a free pass to a select few businessmen who bankrolled the TCF church. The Baker family was generally left unbothered by the cult dictorial behaviour inflicted upon others. Bruce Baker was free to do what he wanted, attend when he wanted etc and Falk certainly cozied up to him. A similar free pass was given to any of Falks close relative - very similar to Vic Hall showing favouritism and nepotism to his close family.

Here is a link to the consulting engineering firm that Bruce founded in the early 1980's
From memory (and I may be wrong) Bruce left/sold his share in Baker Rossow and started a firm called "Construction Earthworks"?? doing civil contracting work such as road building etc - ie big dollars.

Regarding David Baker, as you have mentioned he was an intelligent quiet young man. He may have even been school captain at high school (again from memory but I may be wrong). He came under Falk's wing as a minion probably when he was in late teens to be groomed as a potential leader. Falk used to surround himself with young impressionable men he could control whilst sacking and denigrating all the older wiser more experienced men and leaders (read Biblical style older wisdom) including sacking anyone with formal theological training I remember David (probably about 1921 yo being given a position as home group leader of our home group and having to listen to him parrot the latest talking points from Falk and Hall. This was at the same time his mother told us in home group one day that David was so immature he couldn't even properly care for the family dog! And yet here he was being a home group leader. Whilst a nice guy, David had no theological training of any sort and the only "training" he had was from Vic Hall and David Falk and their pamphlets books and bible studies etc. - so basically just an indoctrinated cult leader. It has been many years since I have seen the Baker family. I think Bruce might have made a comment years ago (early 2000's) that he gifted or encouraged David as a first born son to the CF leadership/ministry - a bit like the biblical story of Samuel in the Old Testament.

One thing I am surprised about is how David Baker managed to survive Vic Hall's stalinist like purge of Toowoomba, after Vic knifed David Falk and booted him out. David Baker was basically Falk's right hand man (from memory) and David must have been very astute politically and had Vic's ear in order to keep his position after the progrom. Either that or Vic could see where the money came from (David's father) and Vic didn't want to kill off the goose that laid the golden egg. These young men must have their minds and hearts absolutely seared and eyes blinded in order to remain in their positions of CF leadership and climb up the CF food chain.

The main take away points are:

1. The visible and active double standards and hypocrisy at play within the Christian Fellowship - and the different standards of treatment meted out to the plebs (ie brutal cult control) and the wealthy donors and close elders family (free to act however they wished).

2. The complete lack of wider Biblical, theological and social training. - Apart from Ian Barlow, Alex Wylie and Bruce Watkins (all now very old, pushed out of effective leadership and retired or passed away), absolutely none of the CF leadership (including Vic Hall) have any sort of theological training or qualifications. It is all in-house grooming and no different to the Exclusive Brethren with this respect. This applies to David Baker, Luke Pomery, and all the others. Did I see Nathan Smith up on stage huddling with other "esteemed leaders" in a recent CF video? Anyway, it is the blind leading the blind and they are just making it up as they go along, filled with self-pride and a religious spirit of control.

I hope this provides some understanding.
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Re: David Baker

Post by BreakFree »

Thanks Faith Hopegood.
It seems like a sad tale but another case where they've made a conscious choice to sell their soul to the devil.
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