House of Burkett - a cult within a cult

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House of Burkett - a cult within a cult

Post by Braveheart »

Could our Streetcar community please provide any knowledge as to the history of (the late) Dewy Burkett?

Information could include:
  • Vic Hall's taking over from Dewy Burkett in Brisbane (1970s?);
  • Dewy Burkett's involvement with Ray Jackson Snr and Jnr, Alan Hall (Vic Hall's father) and Vic Hall (1950s - 1980s);
  • Dewy Burkett's son, Danny (or Dan) Burkett's involvement with Vic Hall and others described above and the reason why Dan Burkett is one, if not, the oldest lasting ministers the CFO group;
  • the social hold that the Burkett family has over many other families;
  • the reason they the Burkett family has enjoyed the CFOs double standards over many decades (1950s to present day).
Any information would be greatly appreciate.
Last edited by Braveheart on Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: House of Burkett

Post by BreakFree »

Hi Braveheart
I have attached a page from Apostles of Fear that mentions the Burkett family. I can scan you a copy of the chapter if you are interested.

Alternatively you can find it at one of these libraries. ... r%20%3A%22
Last edited by BreakFree on Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: House of Burkett

Post by Buddy »

Thank you Breakfree! I want you to know how much your tireless efforts are appreciated. I would love to be more involved with pulling the curtain off the mighty vicOz, but unfortunately, not able to do much.

I do believe one of their grandsons (who has been disposed of by his 'loving', devoted family for leaving the church) posted recently before guest account was turned off. I met this young man when he was a child. He was full of love, happy and smart. I have no doubt his gramma is absolutely devastated about this, (just as she was when her son was kicked to the curb) but as she told me, had to submit to the vic order to cut him off and spent many, many nights in tears with her husband unable or unwilling to comfort her. Made me sick to hear it and still does today.

Anyway, if this young man is out here, I want him to know I have never forgot about him. How horrible it must be for all who were raised in this cult, then cut to pieces when questioning things.

I have asked most of the church going members if they would be comfortable inviting friends, family and/or strangers to church. The answer NO is nearly unanimous, Wow, how wonderful to love your church so much you don't want anyone to know what weird word is being preached. Vic's time is coming to an end. Hard to believe he's not quaking in his boots (expensive boots, I'm sure) thinking about giving his account. If the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, he must be a dunce.
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Re: House of Burkett - a cult within a cult

Post by DustyJustice »

the Fire Brands suck... just saying. but my fave.... had to be babyface Ray Jnr... lol
If they were Back Street Boys, Dan would have been, Bryan.... #backstreetcarsbackalright
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Re: House of Burkett - a cult within a cult

Post by LisaHunt »

Hello Braveheart,

Dewy and Marion were living in Seattle, both have passed away now. There was no connection between Dewy and Vic Hall as far as I remember. Change of leadership in MCF happened after 1988 when it blew up due to the 'whistle blower' and the house of cards came tumbling down. MCF was put on hold for about a year. All leadership, all ministries, all rural churches stalled whilst the investigations went on. At that time Ray Jackson Jn was leader and Broer was elderly and in the afterwash of it all he went into a nursing home and passed away in 1989.

BCF's influence began to take root during the oratorio "Jerusalem Passion" and Vic and other guest speakers had a more open platform as everyone pulled themselves off the floor from all the sexual disclosures. Dan became very close to Vic because of his teachings on End Times, 70 weeks prophecy, Book of Revelation etc... Also his impact with the music.

Dan and Annettes grandson was excommunicated. I am in contact with his aunt and uncle outside the cult and let them know what had happened. He is being followed up by his family but has had an incredibly horrendous time of it and some mental health issues (which you would). He was so young with no resources and no support from his immediate family. Of all the things I know about this cult this has shocked me the most. I only know about this situation because the same year my nephew (who was 19 at the time) was also thrown out of his home and they were both friends. My nephew wanted to date a young girl he was friends with at school but this of course was not allowed. Not sure if that helps you or not. Also I think Dewy passed away gosh - early 80's? He had been unwell for sometime and had a stroke in the 70's.
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Re: House of Burkett - a cult within a cult

Post by DustyJustice »

GT and the Halo Express :) Josh says hello my sister!

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