Atheism or complete change in belief systems

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Re: Atheism or complete change in belief systems

Post by Dexter »

It seems most people interacting on this forum have still retained strong beliefs in God/Christianity.
I’m wondering if anyone else “woke up” in xCF and realised they didn’t believe in any god at all and were in fact now atheist and antitheist. I’m quite surprised there aren’t more people like that interacting on SC. Surely I’m not the only one?
I’m just thinking about this again.

I think, to answer your question, it’s already assumed within xCF that if anyone leaves xCF they will absolutely and invariably become “apostate”, “atheist”, “antichrist”, etc (insert your own a-word). So, for members who are sincere in their faith in God, there is a very real fear that they will lose their sincere faith if they leave the cult. When former members leave the faith altogether it confirms this bias and keeps current members in by fear.

To play angel’s advocate, I think it is good, even critical, for streetcar to be a forum where former members who have retained their faith can encourage each other and discuss scriptural and theological subjects (without strong debate, for the sake of the weak), especially as they pertain to the misuse and abuse of scripture by the xCF leaders.

For so long we were told that even other Christians outside xCF weren’t true Christians unless they joined ‘us’, so I think streetcar can hopefully be a great demonstration that God is, in fact, bigger than BCF.

I’ve read here elsewhere that people who visit streetcar can be very, very hurt and weak emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Part of what I try to do here is to help people regain control of their minds and to decide things for themselves. It would be hypocritical for me to force belief in God, but as a believer I have to have integrity and be a support for other believers, especially the weak and abused.
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Re: Atheism or complete change in belief systems

Post by Charlie »

Hi Ripley,
I personally dont believe Jesus is found at CF at all anymore, its all the control doctrine they teach through their books, sermons and a paranoid Vic Hall directing it all (even though he sends others to deliver the news). I would go so far to say I dont know anyone in their 0-40s who found Jesus inside CF and thats how much the doctine is corrupted. Outside of CF, Christianity beliefs are very very different to CF doctine (for example to love someone does not mean to hurt them as CF says). For me has been hard to see as my mind was so indoctrinated in CF. Is CF doctrine Satanic as it can be opposite to christianity and then on other points close to it. Personally I know many atheists both from CF and not, I know your not the only one! Thankfully SC is for all who have left the CFO organisation, the issue pertaining to us on leaving, all have similar damage done to us, particularly if we grew up there.

I will sing you a song in the Great Atheist John Lennon tradition.. All we are saying is give PEACE a chance...I change the words to 'All we are saying is give Christianity a chance!' I say this as I dont believe CFO doctrine is Christian at all, not how they shun and cut loved ones off, it is all wrong and it is something else not christian.
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