Concerns about the safety of children and young people
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
could you please provide names / examples of these teens who wanted to stay in the CFs but didn't want to be at home??? I've only seen examples of the other way around.
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
I am getting a little bit annoyed with 'guests' asking for the name of people. We should not be telling people's stories that are not our own. It's called gossip
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
100%. Or worse, they’re flying monkeys trying to get intel for the propaganda machine.

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Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for participating in this thread.
I am looking directly at one of the text boxes completed by those that have completed our survey. You don’t see the content of these text boxes because we keep these private to protect people and encourage them to give us their information.
Because we’ve promised privacy and because this one will be going to the police, I can’t use her exact words. But this is so important, I can tell you without any doubt that this young women… and I mean a young women, tells us she was told, (not asked), that she would be going to live at the house of a young elder when she turned xx years old.
She was told this was because her parents were not obeying Elders. She was told that if she did not agree to live at the young elder’s house that she would go to hell.
I can also tell you that I have been told so many times that I cannot count them, that there’s so many people who cannot even make their way through the survey questions, because they are completely traumatised by the memorises the questions bring up.
I also have an email from one older lady who you will all know, who was asked to sit with two of these women who wanted her to help them emotionally, as they completed the survey.
We have female helpers that carefully make contact with women who have given us their details. We do this to make sure they are safe or need help. And one of the stories that came back to me involves one of the women I referred to above.
After completing the survey, she rang the ‘1800 Respect hotline’ to get some additional support. She said that before she got very far into the conversation with 1800 Respect, the operator said, ‘we know who you are talking about’, ‘we’ve had enough of these calls tonight from traumatised young people, to know this is about a website with a survey that’s looking into the behaviour of a cult in Brisbane”. ‘How can we help you…’
Please, everyone. All we are asking for is an independent investigation. If somehow, all of these repots turn out to be false, then that’s great. But please support the independent investigation.
Yours Sincerely
On behalf of the entire Samson Rising Team across Australia
Thank you for participating in this thread.
I am looking directly at one of the text boxes completed by those that have completed our survey. You don’t see the content of these text boxes because we keep these private to protect people and encourage them to give us their information.
Because we’ve promised privacy and because this one will be going to the police, I can’t use her exact words. But this is so important, I can tell you without any doubt that this young women… and I mean a young women, tells us she was told, (not asked), that she would be going to live at the house of a young elder when she turned xx years old.
She was told this was because her parents were not obeying Elders. She was told that if she did not agree to live at the young elder’s house that she would go to hell.
I can also tell you that I have been told so many times that I cannot count them, that there’s so many people who cannot even make their way through the survey questions, because they are completely traumatised by the memorises the questions bring up.
I also have an email from one older lady who you will all know, who was asked to sit with two of these women who wanted her to help them emotionally, as they completed the survey.
We have female helpers that carefully make contact with women who have given us their details. We do this to make sure they are safe or need help. And one of the stories that came back to me involves one of the women I referred to above.
After completing the survey, she rang the ‘1800 Respect hotline’ to get some additional support. She said that before she got very far into the conversation with 1800 Respect, the operator said, ‘we know who you are talking about’, ‘we’ve had enough of these calls tonight from traumatised young people, to know this is about a website with a survey that’s looking into the behaviour of a cult in Brisbane”. ‘How can we help you…’
Please, everyone. All we are asking for is an independent investigation. If somehow, all of these repots turn out to be false, then that’s great. But please support the independent investigation.
Yours Sincerely
On behalf of the entire Samson Rising Team across Australia
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
Trigger warning
This is a quote from Nathan Smith at BCF on 26 Jan 2025.
Maybe the changes the kids are seeing in their families are not good. We know there is coercive control in CF families. He is telling children and young people who could be living with coercive control in their family that there are “no victims” and they need to be more “obedient from the heart”.
He also tells children they need to participate in the “reforming that is happening in our homes together”. He is actually making children, even really young children, responsible for what happens in their families.
Even in that short statement, obedience is mentioned three times. Kids from a young age are being coached to be obedient to the leaders and accept things in the family that are harmful to them. Or even report to the leaders about their families.
Reformation in the homes is probably code for removing any safety in the home. This is what happens to children in situations of coercive control:
In the context of coercive control, child abuse includes:
• using a parent or caregiver’s emotional bond with a child to control or intimidate them
• abusing the parent or caregiver in front of the child so they see, hear and experience the abuse
• other forms of abusive behaviour aimed at the child directly, including threats, humiliation, monitoring, and physical abuse of the child.
This may include:
• not allowing a parent or caregiver to provide care to a child, including medical treatment, disability support, food, clothing or emotional support
• belittling, criticising, shaming, humiliating, threatening or hurting a parent or caregiver in front of their child or to the child
• asking a child to monitor or spy on their parent or caregiver, or making them participate in the abuse of the parent. ... -the-signs
This is a quote from Nathan Smith at BCF on 26 Jan 2025.
Is he seriously saying babies and young children need to join a repentance?? How would a child aged “zero” be able to “join this season of repentance”? Or even toddler?I just wanted to encourage all the children today from zero to very old and anyone who is a child living in the house of their parents, I wanted to encourage you today to your participation and to choose your participation to join this season of repentance, that we are all in together. We are in together as families, and there is a reformation that is happening in our houses, and I know many of you will have been observing the changes that are happening in your parents, and in their marriage and many of us have been observing even the changes that are happening in the culture of our home, and the functioning practically, things that we've started doing, things that might have been stopped and we're observing these things but the Lord wants you to choose this as well. Children, the Lord wants you and even older children, teenagers, young adults, the Lord wants you to choose this season of repentance and to choose your participation in the reforming culture that is happening in your home. And I just would encourage you, if you've been a bit of a, maybe you've had a bit of a victim mindset and a bit of a compliance to the things that you are being asked to do and not responding with an obedience that is from the heart or perhaps you haven't even thought about it too much and maybe been of the mindset, well, all of that stuff's dad and mum's problem. I don't really need to worry about that. They can sort it all out and I'll just keep chugging along. But no, the Lord wants all of us to choose together to participate in the obedience of this season and in the reforming that is happening in our homes together and I've just wanted to encourage you that way today. As you do then he will help you to be obedient from the heart and this is where you're being enabled to obey from the faith that you receive in the word.
Maybe the changes the kids are seeing in their families are not good. We know there is coercive control in CF families. He is telling children and young people who could be living with coercive control in their family that there are “no victims” and they need to be more “obedient from the heart”.
He also tells children they need to participate in the “reforming that is happening in our homes together”. He is actually making children, even really young children, responsible for what happens in their families.
Even in that short statement, obedience is mentioned three times. Kids from a young age are being coached to be obedient to the leaders and accept things in the family that are harmful to them. Or even report to the leaders about their families.
Reformation in the homes is probably code for removing any safety in the home. This is what happens to children in situations of coercive control:
In the context of coercive control, child abuse includes:
• using a parent or caregiver’s emotional bond with a child to control or intimidate them
• abusing the parent or caregiver in front of the child so they see, hear and experience the abuse
• other forms of abusive behaviour aimed at the child directly, including threats, humiliation, monitoring, and physical abuse of the child.
This may include:
• not allowing a parent or caregiver to provide care to a child, including medical treatment, disability support, food, clothing or emotional support
• belittling, criticising, shaming, humiliating, threatening or hurting a parent or caregiver in front of their child or to the child
• asking a child to monitor or spy on their parent or caregiver, or making them participate in the abuse of the parent. ... -the-signs
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
All of this WHY?
Because VIC Hall is getting old and is a narcissist paranoid in his old age, he is going to die and be accountable for all he has done and he knows it.
Narcissistic Vic cant let babies off the hook, how ridiculous is this? I am disgusted. The new laws in QLD are on the side of the innocent.
Because VIC Hall is getting old and is a narcissist paranoid in his old age, he is going to die and be accountable for all he has done and he knows it.
Narcissistic Vic cant let babies off the hook, how ridiculous is this? I am disgusted. The new laws in QLD are on the side of the innocent.
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Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
the Lord wants you to choose this as well.
Children, the Lord wants you and even older children, teenagers, young adults,
the Lord wants you to choose this season of repentance and
to choose your participation in the reforming culture that is happening in your home
Nathan Smith
What presumption and arrogance!
How would Nathan know ‘what the Lord wants?’
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
I would guess that he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. He’ll have been fed these lines by VH or Peter Hay (or someone else in the chain of command), and he just toes the line to avoid being thrown under the bus like so many marionettes before him.How would Nathan know ‘what the Lord wants?’
I’d nearly pity him except that he had an amazing chance to come clean and jump ship a decade ago during the Falk Fiasco, along with David Baker and Lachlan Perrin. I mean, it’s not too late for them to jump ship but it would be very humbling. It does look like they’ve all dug their heels in pretty deep.

Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
Nathan won't bite the hand that feeds him......and that hand feeds him VERY well! Season of repentance, season of travail, season of's just a never-ending set of rules that not only change at vics whim, biut keep the body in a state of fear, questioning their salvation. It's a free gift from God, not a set of ever changing vic speak seasons/rules/orders. The obedience they are demanding is not obedience to God, but to vic and his gaggle of arse kissers who continue to get rich off the tithes and offerings of the hard working, eyes covered with wool, body. Makes me want to vomit hearing people make excuses for vic and his (not Gods) werd.
Re: Concerns about the safety of children and young people
Trigger warning
Here are two quotes from last Sunday’s MCF meeting on 2 Feb 2024. The first quote was a call out to children, then they sung a song, and then they followed it with this psychological bomb.
Does it look like giving up everything they want or need till they just emotionally die inside and have no more hope?
These men who get up and say these things will have to answer to an authority one day. So how will you explain asking children to name something about themselves that needs to die?
Let me remind you that religious and spiritual abuse is misusing spiritual or religious beliefs and practices to justify abuse (physical and non-physical), violence or coercive control or to restrict or control your decisions, or to take away human rights. ... ve-control
Here are two quotes from last Sunday’s MCF meeting on 2 Feb 2024. The first quote was a call out to children, then they sung a song, and then they followed it with this psychological bomb.
followed soon after byPeter Hill - MCF meeting on 2 Feb 2024
Kids I'd like just to speak directly to you about what we've heard this this morning and it's like you can get two bits of paper maybe in the mail like the old days or maybe on your phone or to your computer. The Lord in when we're talking about baptism it's not a ticket that we've received. Our baptism is not a ticket, a ticket to heaven. You might have thought that but it's an invitation. Can we think, can we just capture that difference that our baptism is an invitation to then a relationship or a participation? so it's a limited analogy but it's like an invitation to a party, you actually got to go and participate, so can we just hear that this morning that the Lord is calling us to a participation, we're receiving an invitation, it's not a ticket.
I would like to ask these men, what would you like children ‘to die to’ or ‘have die in them’? What does it look like for a child “to participate in his dying of that particular thing?”Mark Lupson - MCF meeting on 2 Feb 2024
My question for us all here this morning is, do we believe what Jonna has spoken to us? Do we believe this? And if we are believing this, then whatever yesterday was or the month before,
that has no guidance on how we now participate and join the word as it was declared to us here this morning. I love this song We Are Witnesses partly because it's an upbeat song and I love that but it talks about joining Christ in this participation that we've heard about this morning. But we join this participation particularly in this dimension of the second dimension of baptism being Christ. If we die with him we shall also live. So he's asking us to die to something. Can we be in faith today that as we join him he's going to highlight, he's going to illuminate something that you need to die to. You need to participate in his dying of that particular thing so that we can be a witness of his life, and to be a witness, it's got to be within us doesn't it?
Does it look like giving up everything they want or need till they just emotionally die inside and have no more hope?
These men who get up and say these things will have to answer to an authority one day. So how will you explain asking children to name something about themselves that needs to die?
Let me remind you that religious and spiritual abuse is misusing spiritual or religious beliefs and practices to justify abuse (physical and non-physical), violence or coercive control or to restrict or control your decisions, or to take away human rights. ... ve-control
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