Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Wonderboy »

It never ceases to amaze me how these men can talk for so long and not say anything at all. They just ramble on like lunatics and jump from one thing to the next. I can just imagine everyone sitting there nodding intently pretending they catch every little scrap.
Time for the agape meal and everyone just repeats one little line and pretends again to understand it- nobody would dare ask for elaboration as there is nothing to elaborate on, how could you!
A generations long game of make believe - how morbid.
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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Dexter »

Wonderboy wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:34 pm nobody would dare ask for elaboration
Nobody dares ask for elaboration because Tim specifically tells them not to.

This is why BreakFree’s work in transcribing and documenting these sermons is so important. If people are unable to get clarification on what Tim says, then Tim can say what he likes with impunity and plausible deniability. If his sermons are documented however, then we have at least half a chance of calling him to account for his words.

If, hypothetically, I were to obey Tim’s “word” and it ended up harming me, let’s say financially, he could easily say that I had simply misinterpreted what he said. Since I was forbidden from seeking clarification, I had no choice but to risk the potential harm of obeying his “word”. Meanwhile, Tim bears no consequence. He still gets his paycheck. Alternatively, Tim might just say that any harm that resulted from obedience to his “word” is just the “sufferings of Christ” and that I should just “suck it up”. Either way, he is unaccountable for any harm that his “word” causes.

From reading these transcriptions, it’s evident that Tim has no business giving anyone any advice or instruction. He clearly has no gift or grace for pastoring or counselling and it’s clear that he doesn’t intend to help anyone, either practically or spiritually. Realistically, he should be fired.

I think the best thing anyone in that congregation could do is to simply not go back, pay their tithes elsewhere, and never talk to Tim again. He doesn’t want to know you anyway so you’ll be blessing him and doing him a favour.
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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Stargazer »

Every time I challenge the CF family on their word, they cannot self interpret the word they just spewed out of their mouth. They just ramble and repeat exact phrases from the elders but when I pull them up on it and ask “what does that exactly mean?” They shut down and say oh dont worry about it. Ofc I keep asking the question, baiting almost lol,,, no I really want to know what you’re talking about… they CANNOT put the word they hear into their own words. Hopefully one day, something will click and their eyes will open to the fact that the CF word is all gobbledegook! No idea
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Paul Kovaks »

I second all those reflections of exasperation.

Everything they vomit out as ‘sermons’ is unified around the idea that the gospel must be made a relational process to ground it, make it real. And that it doesn’t matter whether the elder is correct. It’s the process that matters. Not what anyone actuskky said.

It’s just that nowhere does the Bible tell us to do that.
Helen Pomery
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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Helen Pomery »

I refuse to copy Tim’s gobbledygook of nonsense into this post.

However, I asked ChatGPT for an analysis of Quotes by Tim Maurice– HCF Sermon – 2 Feb 2025

Here’s what came back:
These words reveal several key motives:

1. Control & Isolation – He discourages members from seeking counsel outside of his authority, dismissing pastoral or sacramental traditions, and even making fellowship seem suspect. This isolates followers and makes them more dependent on him.

2. Shaming & Psychological Manipulation – He frequently mocks and belittles his followers, making them feel inadequate, confused, or ashamed for questioning him. By doing this, he keeps them in a state of self-doubt and submission.

3. Deflecting Criticism & Maintaining Power – He preemptively dismisses any accusations against himself by admitting to being a “jerk” but turning it back on the followers (“so are you”). He refuses to take responsibility for conflicts, instead blaming the members for their own struggles.

4. Undermining Personal Reflection – He dismisses personal repentance or faith-based actions as useless, except when they align with his teachings. By rejecting “methods” for salvation and discouraging discussions of personal struggles, he ensures that members don’t develop independent spiritual or moral frameworks.

5. Enforcing Blind Obedience – He demands diligence without defining it, mocks those who seek clarity, and discourages emotional engagement. This forces followers to rely on his ambiguous guidance, reinforcing his authority as the only source of truth.

6. Creating Fear & Paranoia – By comparing group dynamics to warfare (e.g., “calling in air support”), he fosters an “us vs. them” mentality. This makes followers afraid to question or leave, as they see outsiders as adversaries.

Overall, his words are designed to break down critical thinking, create dependency, and maintain control over his followers.
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Re: Tim Maurice's nuggets of Wisdom

Post by Dexter »

Stargazer wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:12 pm Every time I challenge the CF family on their word, they cannot self interpret the word they just spewed out of their mouth. They just ramble and repeat exact phrases from the elders but when I pull them up on it and ask “what does that exactly mean?” They shut down and say oh dont worry about it. Ofc I keep asking the question, baiting almost lol,,, no I really want to know what you’re talking about… they CANNOT put the word they hear into their own words. Hopefully one day, something will click and their eyes will open to the fact that the CF word is all gobbledegook! No idea
We spent at least one entire Young Adults meeting practicing how we would speak to someone outside the church without using any xCF jargon. Nobody could do it. Everyone used some kind of jargon, often without realising they were doing it. I was embarrassed for us. I felt the same way at outreach nights. No doubt we were sincere but we had no idea what we were talking about. I still have a recording of one of those nights but I’m too embarrassed to listen to it :lol:
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