Why Streetcar??

Who we are and why we are here....
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Why Streetcar??

Post by Dante »

We love the Lord!

We love His promises, and we love His word. We cannot sit idle while the message of grace, love, and redemption are so corrupted and abused by the teachings of the churches that identify themselves as Restoration Fellowships International (formally AMCA)!! This includes Brisbane Christian Fellowship, Melbourne Christian Fellowship, and all other smaller xCF's in between.

We cannot let the false doctrine of RFI go unchallenged!!!

The churches of RFI are full of people that also love the Lord, His Word, and His promises, but are bound up in a false salvation doctrine that demands absolute capitulation to the church, the presbytery, and the leaders.

For those still inside the xCF system, this forum is a place for anonymous discussion, telling of stories, and encouragement. Please feel secure in the promise of anonymity - tell your story freely, and ask questions liberally!!
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by eagles »

Nicely put Dante, and "G'day" :)

Also good to see the board is finally up again. I had saved some pages from the previous board which I have stored on-line as webpages rather than phpbb files... having managed chatrooms for years it is something I do because sites often go down for many reasons.

And greetings to Boundary Rider and Gille too :)
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by Gillie »

I welcome this forum being resurrected as we have had many years together now. This is purely a comment from my perspective which may be different to some. For me, debating doctrine isn't my first priority.

Survivors and those who are still suffering or held in bondage, is where my heart lies. I speak up about abuse and its effects on innocent lives, because I want the perpetrators exposed for who and what they are. I see this, as an area in which I can help.

Also, being honest here, I often get triggered by writers quoting scriptures, and speaking in a preaching style. I would rather that those discussions be kept to one section of Streetcar so that those who can't read such discussions can feel slightly protected.

I hope no one will feel offended by my honesty, as refuting doctrine is important to some readers.
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by Dante »

Gillie - I have always appreciated your passion to help those bound and abused. I am so pleased that you have re-connected with Streetcar in this new instance, and look forward to following your contributions and insights.

Just to clarify, I too have no interest in debating doctrine. None whatsoever!! HOWEVER, for many, the first step in being released from the oppression and violence of RFI is to be permitted to think critically about the church's teachings, and to find a community that supports them in that review. My first introduction to Streetcar years ago was exactly that - a reassurance that the absurd things I was hearing were indeed fabrications, machinations, contrivances, and manipulations!

None-the-less, I also know of many others that found themselves thrust into isolation and loneliness. Reflection on errant teaching is no use to them ....... I hope your experiences and expertise finds them in this place, Gillie!

I'm sure we can establish a harmony between the two motivations - without one doing violence to the other. Please continue to voice your concern if you feel the tone of Streetcar is not balanced in that way.

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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by Thanomere84 »

Dante wrote: Tue May 30, 2017 12:18 pm None-the-less, I also know of many others that found themselves thrust into isolation and loneliness. Reflection on errant teaching is no use to them ....... I hope your experiences and expertise finds them in this place, Gillie!

I'm sure we can establish a harmony between the two motivations - without one doing violence to the other. Please continue to voice your concern if you feel the tone of Streetcar is not balanced in that way.

I enjoy Streetcar's purpose as a support community to those who have been oppressed by the heavy hand of RFI. As you said, Dante, once a person questions the leadership, especially that foul pretentious 'messenger' who is none other than Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall, isolation and loneliness caused by extreme shunning, will be immediately dished out onto he/she who dares to question. And as said many times before in the old Streetcar, this psychological violence and bullying is especially cruel and venomous when Vic unleashes it on women.

To all of you who are lonely and lost - like I was during 2015... we're here to help you. Don't worry - RFI is not the 'one true church' as it loves to claim. Don't worry - you're not going to lose your salvation by walking out on them. Don't worry - Christianity is not Islam, where they claim there is only one messenger - Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall is DEFINITELY not the only messenger of God. When you decide to walk out on them, you're walking out on abuse, dictatorship and judgment. You're walking towards hope, freedom and the TRUE grace and mercy of God.
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by eagles »

Dante wrote: Tue May 30, 2017 12:18 pm Gillie - I have always appreciated your passion to help those bound and abused. I am so pleased that you have re-connected with Streetcar in this new instance, and look forward to following your contributions and insights.

Just to clarify, I too have no interest in debating doctrine. None whatsoever!! HOWEVER, for many, the first step in being released from the oppression and violence of RFI is to be permitted to think critically about the church's teachings, and to find a community that supports them in that review. My first introduction to Streetcar years ago was exactly that - a reassurance that the absurd things I was hearing were indeed fabrications, machinations, contrivances, and manipulations!
I think that a defining line needs to be drawn between those who use a recovery situation for preaching for the wrong reasons - self-promotion, also known as "self-aggrandisment - is always a bit suss. The problem then arises if someone dares to say what you did... that you "love the Lord".

I also love the Lord. I would defend your right, my right, or anyone else's right, to say the same thing.May I make the point that a physician is always needed in the healing process?

Who is OUR physician? The Lord Jesus Christ.
None other. When someone pretending that they are His messenger steps over the line, and abuses folk, then the person hurt needs to understand that it WAS NOT JESUS who did it.

It was a mortal human who had no right to do that.

Do we deny others the ability to recognise that?
This is perhaps why the major cults don't have many drop-outs (no offence intended) who decide to find the genuine Jesus, our "both Lord and Christ".

You see, nobody ever teaches them that the have been misled spiritually, they just realise they have been bullied by those they trusted, real people in the world.

I don't believe that you can leave out of the loop the encouraging words that Jesus would say if He were alongside us. We need remember that Jesus (not a mortal man) will encourage us to pick up the load here and help our brother or sister.

However some of us often sound a bit "gung-ho" in our attempts. If that is me, I apologise, but more likely I think it's because the person with hurts or frustration doesn't always realise the intent.

Dante wrote: Tue May 30, 2017 12:18 pm None-the-less, I also know of many others that found themselves thrust into isolation and loneliness. Reflection on errant teaching is no use to them ....... I hope your experiences and expertise finds them in this place, Gillie!

I'm sure we can establish a harmony between the two motivations - without one doing violence to the other. Please continue to voice your concern if you feel the tone of Streetcar is not balanced in that way.

So do I, friends. But you know some people have a very narrow view of their hurts when comparing them with those of others. Twice over I've recognised that here. I don't hold grudges. But once in the previous BB I was asked "what would you know about "shunning"?" I explained; I have no idea who it was, now. Then I anticipated in the new site (here) that nobody would know me, So I explained HERE about it, a week or two ago.

Nobody even commented at all.

It is interesting to see when nobody can even summon a little bit of grace and "charity" and perhaps say "that's a bummer, and yes it lasted for thirty or forty years. But He's a great Lord to have fixed it up the way He did!!"

Did you even notice how He, the Lord, fixed it? Using people who years before had supported the problem?

And who repented of what they had done?
Sadly the instigator (their mother) didn't.

Are WE ALL that self-centred in this closing age?

I'm not a "poor me", you know, but it really shows self-centredness in others when nobody knows you from Brizzy or Melb, so they make what looks to others like asumptions that "his could not have been as bad as mine was!"

Try reading it again and picture and remove thirty-eight years from that life story.

I hope I have misjudged the situation. You get what I've heard called a "gut feeling" when you've experience running a chat room - which I have done for years. We had many visitors there who were hurt too.

Now, What about the concept of
  • "

    In All Things Essential,Unity,
    In All Things Non-Essential, Diversity
    In All Things Love"
You know this the DEFAULT argument you can use with every MAJOR and MINOR guru who has to be right.


Rest assured that I love each of you as bothers or sisters. But you know some people in Jesus' family can be very "ornery" as the Americans say!

in Adelaide
yes, I knew Vic's brother David.
I believe he is honest but misguided.
As I believe Vic is.
But each of us needs remember we shall ALL be called to account
Repentance needs to be NOW -
Before it is too late
"Make it right with your brother,
before the long night is over"

Have not each of us grieved our Saviour?
I know I have
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by Gillie »

Nobody even commented at all.

It is interesting to see when nobody can even summon a little bit of grace and "charity" and perhaps say "that's a bummer..."

I am truly sorry that I did not make mention of your suffering eagles. Please accept my apology for overlooking your post. It was not my intention to hurt you by such an oversight.

I have briefly looked at Streetcar in the past week and posted something, but it's been in a rush, as I have been preoccupied with stressful matters to do with BCF. I have been caught up in my own dilemmas.

I realize that a forum should be more caring and I am sincerely sorry. You are right in that we should never be complacent or indifferent to the pain and suffering of others.

Can you give us another chance to show you that we do care?
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by surprisedbyjoy »

Hello eagles,

I am sorry I made no acknowledgment or expression of empathy of your experiences. Can I assure you that I was genuinely touched with sorrow for what you have experienced, but did not find the ability to respond (and possibly even know how) due to what I know as a significant lack in me still. I do recognize that there can be such a focus on ones own pain at times that I fail to see or feel or acknowledge others.

I'm learning to see and acknowledge the residual "lacks" in me only just starting to see things differently (and better I hope) as I find the Great Physician again after getting away from the RFI mechanism.

I loved the "In All Things..." quote you posted and have found it has produced a real depth of thought as I've pondered and ruminated over it. I also started looking at the articles/links you suggested. At this stage my thoughts have not crystalised enough to begin to post a reply but rest assured it's been a helpful trigger to a good volume of thoughts and jottings (mostly good). So thanks! And hopefully stay tuned for a reply when I can.
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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by eagles »

Thank you both. Of course I will!
((((Biiiiiig Huggggs))))) as we used to say on Internet Relay chat~~

And you know that quote really IS the answer to all their blustering and "having to be right_- when you look at the simplilcity of the text!!"

As we used to say on IRC -

Be Back in a Bit!

Love y'all!

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Re: Why Streetcar??

Post by Gillie »

Is there a 'guest' member option on this Streetcar?

It is important for some people to keep their identity protected, so signing in and posting under 'guest' is a helpful option to have.
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