David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

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Boundary Rider
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David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

Post by Boundary Rider »

From several sources during the last week I received this article From The Toowoomba Chronicle of Friday 26th of February 2021:


A MAN who lost his cool with staff of a Ruthven St. store has been warned by a Toowoomba magistrate that his conduct was out of order.

“The staff didn’t deserve to be treated like that, they bent over backwards to help you,” Magistrate Howard Osborne told David Garth Falk.

The 62-year-old had become agitated after he went to the PET stock store in the city’s CBD only to find the dog food he had ordered was not available, Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard.

He became verbally abusive toward the woman staff member who eventually broke down into tears, police prosecutor Sergeant Jacquelyn Miller told the court.

Told he was no longer welcome in the store if he was going to behave in such a manner, he was still served, with a staff member carrying out a bag of dog food to his car for him.

However, as the staff member loaded the bag into the boot of Falk’s car, he had pulled down the boot lid which struck the employee on the shoulder causing him to step back, Sgt. Miller said.

The incident was captured on CCTV camera and a witness later told of seeing it, the court heard.

Falk, who pleaded guilty to a charge of common assault, provided a letter of apology to the court which was to be sent to the complainant man.

His solicitor Brooke Winter told the court his client at 62 had no previous convictions whatsoever.

His client had been a lecturer in theology for 35 years but was now retired and on a disability pension due to medical reasons, he said.

His client had a loud and assertive voice that could be mistaken for aggression.

His client suffered a coronary condition and on the day he had been feeling symptoms of anxiety and had chest pains, he said.

This had been a one-off, isolated incident, Mr Winter submitted.

His client was remorseful, embarrassed and apologetic, he said.

Mr Osborne ordered the conviction not be recorded but fined Falk $500.
Some nice touches, don't you think?:---
*** " a lecturer in theology for 35 years " DGF ever the spin doctor, making being a cult propagandist seem prestigious!

*** " His client had a loud and assertive voice that could be mistaken for aggression. " How many of you on the end of Falk's abrasive tongue made the mistake of thinking he was being assertive and knew very well what his aggression was like , especially in your face. I'm sure that Seth would have been hard pressed to know the difference when consigned to the cattle shed by Falk all those years ago. To put it another way--- How many shepherds scream with rage at their flock, as Falk did to the congregation of Toowoomba whenever he felt like it? Something of a contrast to the words of Jesus --- "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: (John 10:27 KJV)" No making a mistake for aggression in those words.

*** " His client had been a lecturer in theology for 35 years but was now retired and on a disability pension due to medical reasons, he said. " More lawyer spin fed by Falk, as the truth admitted in court would have put the spotlight on what really happened.... Falk did not retire, he was dismissed without notice by Vic when Falk was in hospital recovering from a coronary attack. Dismissed without any salary compensation or superannuation. Dismissed for trying to set up the South East Asian RFI churches as the Falk bailiwick, including control of their finances, with Falk's version of what was supposed to be the Present Word from Vic, Falk's "spiritual father", master and mentor from the age of 18. Vic was in no mood for a Palace Coup and acted swiftly and ruthlessly when Falk was at his most disadvantaged.

*** "His client suffered a coronary condition and on the day he had been feeling symptoms of anxiety and had chest pains, he said." So in that condition and with such a delicate health condition why drive into Toowoomba to get dog food? More spin to elicit the court's sympathy, but if anyone had tried this line on Falk at Toowoomba they would have got a tongue lashing and no sympathy at all. After 44 years of living lies and false teaching in the bubble of Vic's little world, it really isn't surprising that DGF could spin this "Poor Me" through his lawyer to the magistrate.

So, he who could dish it out squirms and begs when he gets caught out red-handed. Bullies are famous for being able to "dish it out' but craven cowards when they have to "take it" from an even nastier bully.

Like most bullies Falk has never learnt the truth of Jesus' words … "Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets. — Matthew 7:12" But that is not really surprising as the words of Jesus are so rarely used in any of Vic Hall's 'teaching' unless it happens to come from the book of Revelation. Vic, with Falk and the elders who follow Vic, are seduced by reference to Paul to distort what Christianity is about, but even then Falk and those bullies like him have no defence as Paul says in Galatians … "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. — Galatians 5:14". He further reinforces this in Romans when he says … "“The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not covet,’ and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” Romans 13:8-9 (NIV). In each of those statements of Paul he uses the same word for 'Love' as Jesus did --- Agape / αγαπε --- so very popular at present. The 'agape' Jesus teaches has no place for bullies, especially those who claim to be Christians, and even more so for those who claim to be ministers, elders, shepherds, prophets, "a holy priesthood after the Order of Melchisidek" and Apostles (i.e. anyone in the Christian Fellowships of RFI)

I do have the image of the clipping from the Chronicle, but haven't been able to work out how to load it onto this post. Any suggestions are welcome

Stay safe and well, and Covid free.
Boundary Rider
Faith Hopegood
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Re: David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

Post by Faith Hopegood »

thanks for the heads up on this one Boundary Rider.

This is very sad news to read this, although not unsurprising. Unfortunately this incident of abusive behaviour is entirely consistent with Falk's abusive treatment of the congregation throughout his 35 years of "lecturing in theology". Looks like the leopard has not changed its spots.
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Re: David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

Post by surprisedbyjoy »

A couple of observations on David Falk since his 'bubble' burst.

It would seem he's obviously still a very angry man in need of meeting a true Savior, not Victor Hall, a Presbytery or a Messenger. It also seems he's lowered himself to relying on the very things he used to preach against. He's relying on the 'under the sun' and 'in the hands of men carnal mechanisms of lawyers and magistrates rather than his Presbytery and Messengers. He's actually paid a lawyer to attempt to represent his character before a Magistrate. Surely, a trip down Burton Lane to get some Presbytery pardon would be better (and more financially beneficial) than a Magristrate??.....oh how the times are a changin'.

All jokes aside I thought the true gospel message was clear to us common folk. Surely repentance and reconciliation with the MANY people he verbally and emotionally abused will assist him in the Great White Throne Courtroom? If anyone out there in StreetCarLand could encourage him please with a few tips. If he wants to overcome his anger and find some true mercy and pardon then perhaps sending a letter of apology to the PetStock staff and owner personally might be a better approach than filing it through the court. Further, perhaps he might consider reaching out with similar contrition to some of his old victims too while the Great White Fire burns hot.

Maybe if he's in doubt as to his true pardon and reconciliation he could even 'sell all and give it to the poor' and 'let him who stole steal no longer'....as he so often leveraged his alpha position over and against many a poor youth who fell to far less serious youthful misdemeanors while he fleeced them of their hard earned cash. Just a suggestion, I'd never force my view on anyone and especially not Falky!!
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Re: David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

Post by Seeker »

WOW! Reading this reminds me of vics 'testimonies'.......While preaching to the body about being accountable, they both fail to own up to their own accountability in everything they do or say. I guess in the gospel of vic, victim mentality is only for very few chosen ones. Sad, sad, sad....but not surprising at all.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: David Garth Falk --- Welcome to the real world outside the TCF bubble

Post by Faith Hopegood »

as he so often leveraged his alpha position over and against many a poor youth who fell to far less serious youthful misdemeanors while he fleeced them of their hard earned cash
This statement certainly resounded with me Surprised By Joy. It is a an extremely accurate observation of the way David Falk conducted himself with everyone in the church during his time both in Brisbane at the Indooroopilly outreach and then subsequently in Toowoomba.
Falk was essentially a bully and he certainly acted in a dominating alpha personality manner. He pick his marks and then destroyed them and it was deliberate and relentless.

Contrast this to the biblical commandments and instructions to potential and actual leaders and the fruits they were to demonstrate.
I certainly saw the opposite of the Fruits of Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We could add forgiveness to this list.

I found this good article which lays out the characteristics of good church leaders - and from experience, Falk was nearly the opposite in every way. And don't forget the example of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Falk was not a Shepherd, he was a sheep shearing who loved fleecing the flock! And he absolutely lorded it over everyone in the congregation and there was zero evidence of humility.

https://www.theologyofwork.org/new-test ... 1-peter-5/
Peter now gives instructions for church leaders, termed “elders” (“presbyters” and “bishops” in the Anglicized Greek derivations used in many churches today). The advice is good for workplace leaders, too. It focuses on serving others. “Tend the flock of God . . . willingly [and] eagerly” (1 Pet. 5:2). Don’t be greedy for money (1 Pet. 5:2). Don’t lord it over others, but be an example for others to emulate (1 Pet. 5:3). Peter advises humility to the young—in fact, to everyone—when he quotes Proverbs 3:34, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Pet. 5:5). These are not unique to 1 Peter, and we will not expand on them here. It is enough to remember that the concept of servant-lead­ership, circulating widely in today’s workplace, is well known to Peter. How could it be otherwise, since Jesus is the servant-leader par excel­lence (1 Pet. 4:1–2, 6)?
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