Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

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Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by Hope4 »

Recognizing How Cultic Groups Operate:

The following questions are adapted from a checklist developed by Michael D. Langone, Ph.D., Executive Director of International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA).

[/i]This is not a diagnostic tool. It is only meant to help you analyze for yourself whether you may have cause for concern based on common patterns found in cultic groups:

• Does your group show unquestioning commitment to its leader, alive or dead? 

• Are doubts and questions discouraged or punished?

• Are mind-altering techniques such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, and sleep deprivation or overworking used in excess (which, unwittingly or not, often serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leadership)?

• Does the leadership dictate how members should think, act, and feel? How they should dress, where they should live, and whom they should marry?

• Does the group feel they’re on a special mission to save humanity? Do they see their leader as a special being or an apostle?

• Does the group have an us-versus-them mentality?

• Does the leadership induce feelings of shame or guilt in order to influence or control members? Often this is often done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

• Does the group require members to cut ties with family and friends, or to radically alter the personal goals and activities members had before they joined?

• Is the group preoccupied with bringing in new members and/or making money?

• Do you fear backlash to yourself or others if you leave—or even consider leaving—the group?

If you answered 'yes' to some of these questions, it does not automatically mean you are in a cult. We acknowledge the subjectivity of words like "excessive" and "radical." What's considered excessive one person may seem like not enough to someone else. Trust yourself.
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by Dexter »

I found this list of common traits among former cult members on the ICSA site:
People who leave cultic environments may experience:
  • A tendency to blame themselves for anything bad that happens
  • Depression and low self-esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Confusion, dissociation, “spacing out”
  • Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or managing time
  • Black-and-white thinking
  • Loneliness
  • Difficulty relating to other people
  • Sexual conflict
  • Guilt
  • Flashbacks and triggers that may be related to trauma
  • Fear of the group
  • Fear that God will punish them

It's not often that I can relate to every point on a list, but this is one of those rare exceptions. Point number six is, in my opinion, the most debilitating.
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Vic's visit with 24 elders

Post by guest »

Can someone tell me what happened to the recent posts about VH stating he (along with Paul, Moses, etc) was 'caught up' with the 24 elders and met himself before he was born?

It's sad to think those that heard this (in session 5 of the 2023 Easter conference) think nothing of it. Anyway, it seems some of the recent posts have been this the work of a 'sick vic trip', or a system glitch?

I notice on Limpstand they are no longer offering PDF's of the various "words" from the various XF 'leaders' has to suffer through all of vic's repeated, re-shuffled, regurgitated messenger messages from his very special butt kissere's.

Am I missing something here?
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by guest »

Not sure what's going on, but the live stream is still up on FB. Skip to about 52 mins: ... 220876153/

There are some disturbing and heretical things said there. I suspect those that heard it in person fell into one of four camps:
1. Those who believe every word VH says and don't measure what is said against the scriptures
2. Those who heard and didn't really understand, but are nonetheless blinded by the doctrine that says, "you don't need to understand [what we say]; you just need to believe".
3. Those who heard it and were disturbed by it, but are afraid to do or say anything because of the repercussions that come about when there is a strong narcissistic culture in the leadership team.
4. Those who heard it, and are genuinely considering if xCF is something they should be a part of.

Regardless of which camp they might fall in, everyone who heard this message in person needs God’s wisdom and our prayers. I'm sure there are many within the xCF who believe what James says, "(NIV): If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by guest »

Thank you for responding guest.....I guess I'll be guest7 since (after many attempts) I can't get the OK to officially join the forum.

I know VH has his pet scriptures that he loves to (ab)use, but one I have NEVER heard from and of his mouthpiece's is 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 'but test all things. Hold on to what is good'.... VH does NOT want anyone to test. examine, prove or check anything he says.

As I found out first hand, any questioning of what comes out of his mouth is considered treason. One is quickly labeled 'damaged not touch' if you question his authority.

Since I'm the only one in my family/friends that does not believe VH about his fireside chats with Jesus, I'm seen as 'blind to the truth. VH can't even remeber what Jesus looked like! Look back at his older testimonies about his first meeting. As has been mentioned by others here, it was very short and while he did not actually see Jesus, just a fast moving form. More recently, Jesus is now a little Jewish man who took time to lay down the whole lampstand administration to Vic....and Vic alone!

OK....I'll end it here as I'm getting mad just thinking bout this. Thank you again to everyone who posts here. You have all helped me so very much! Be safe and my God bless you....
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by Hope4 »

Good morning guest7.
If you write the name you are trying to register here, it will be approved asap.

When I was a target in BCF I spoke up about my concerns to an elder. I wasn’t criticising the doctrine so much as speaking up about the harm and treachery they were doing within marriages and families.

This was the answer he gave me:
“Do you think you are right and a thousand people are wrong?”.

At that stage I was so beaten-about, wounded and hurt that I concluded I must be the one who is wrong.

I was kicked out and remained very ill physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for quite some time. Thankfully with help from mental health professionals I began to get well.

Regaining my God-given capacity for critical thinking and discernment I saw through the elders manipulation and coercive techniques. They know how to throw fear into hearts, how to isolate anyone who starts questioning and to shame people into submission.

To those who are questioning, please be careful. I encourage you to search for answers, question the cruelty you witness and ‘to thine own self be true’. However, speak to those outside of BCF. Ask questions here if you like but keep seeking God for His deliverance.
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by guest »

Thank you Hope4! I've been trying to register with user name Seeker.

It is amazing to me how many 'new' books come out. I believe it's a ploy to keep the poor fleeced flock from studying the's all about 'catching up with the 'new light' that's being brought forth by "Vicster the Trickster....and all it is is a re-hash of his same old, tired stuff. When a 'new' revelation comes forth from one of the many visitations bestowed on Pope Vic, it's strange how many of the older books that contradict his new 'Present Truth, simply go away to never be referenced again...

"Oh, that's just old manna' is one of the many turgid replies when asking what happened. And yes, Hope4, the little elves have learned well from their puppet master how to shame people into thinking they are the problem.

I'm accused of being like the Nicholations that stirred up contention in the body. Again, a prime example of how he twists the scriptures to prove his point.

So wonderful to hear you are healing Hope4. It should not be so hard to questions things, but when so much deception, duplicity, control and arrogance comes from the top, it becomes harder to speak up.

Have you noticed how one of Vic's favorite microphones (Peter Hay) has become more and more bold in his news caster, talking head role? Talk about a little leaven puffing up the minions. Perhaps Vic should change his name to Gru.....perhaps not, as that would sully Gru's name.
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by Hope4 »

Hi guest 7.
Can you please try again to register under the name ‘Seeker’?
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by Hope4 »

Explanation: your request to be a member has been lost from the application process. Hence the request to re-apply.
Hope this clarifies the situation?
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Re: Recognising How Cultic Groups Operate

Post by guest »

Hi Hope4, thank you for the info. I have reapplied and will check back later today.I don't mind posting under guest, as I like to think I'm doing enough to be an irritating, sharp little pebble in the expensive boot of der fuhrer......heil vicster!

He loves talking about multiplication through (wait for it) offering.!! The guilt trip begins with a few cherry picked scriptures which sounds all well ,and good but as Brendon has so beautifully shown, the only multiplication VH is interested in is OBEDIENCE! In XCF speak, that means; "Open and empty your wallets...and don't you dare complain about silly, idiotic dummies! I've dummed this down as much as I can....The teens understand this, why can't you?!"

So, let us stuff his boot with every little pebble we can find. Hopefully it will bring light to this self serving, back biting, gutter sniping, vile little twerp!

Sadly, he goes into the old "Jesus was reviled and beaten, but didn't say a word. That's his way of avoiding any conflict....In other words; "My name may be Vic, but you should call me: Sorry, I can't even write this with out getting sick. I'll leave it right here as I know you all know what it is.

It is so nice to see the posting pick up here. This needs to be front and center to hopefully help others feeling alone in the 'fellowship'....
l me
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