Present Word

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Faith Hopegood
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Present Word

Post by Faith Hopegood »

for your viewing pleasure. Fleecing the Flock

on old video meme about Vic Hall, but a goodie. All good comedy has truth at its core which is why we can identify with the humour.
Boundary Rider
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Re: Present Word

Post by Boundary Rider »

Well remembered, Faith. In 2 minutes and 42 seconds more than 30 years of Victor John Hall's heretical manipulation exposed. Brilliant!

Wouldn't be a bad idea to bring that whole series of cartoons back from the vault, as they haven't been seen since the last two occasions that Jonathan Hall and his computer trolls crashed Streetcar.

Humour is a great way of exposing pompous frauds.

Faith Hopegood
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Persecution or Punishment

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Remember, if you are a "Star Messenger" and you get sick, you are being persecuted. However, if you are a minion, and you get sick, you are being punished!

This video sums up nicely, the level of control exerted by the elders, and sycophantic mindless behaviour of Vic's mindless minions.

Whilst this is a video of humour, it touches on the very important issue of lack of grace, forgiveness and general love that about in the RFI/Christian Fellowship leadership.

True christian leaders have a loving heart and they care for their flock with love.
Boundary Rider
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Re: Present Word

Post by Boundary Rider »

Another good one, Faith.

As well as what you have mentioned is that this is a clear example of the way Vic has introduced "Double Speak" into the Messenger Speak of the CFs, putting him on a par with Big Brother of 1984, the inventor of Double Speak.

If you let the You Tube vision run on there is as sequence of CF related clips including Damien Chimes on A Current Affair, a synopsis of The God of Broken Hearts, Multiple clips of "The Jerusalem Passion" with Murray Wylie (Murray who????) in full flight, and another "Jerusalem Passion" from Holland which doesn't seem to be Murray's.

I have an inkling that many of the CF related YouTube clips have either been deleted or suppressed and I could only find one from a visit to Indonesia by David Baker in 2014 as the sole survivor of the plethora of Toowoomba Christian Fellowship videos on YouTube. Similarly there is almost nothing of BCF. This would be consistent with the retreat from public gaze of all thing CF since the dispensing of Murray Wylie and David Falk, and all CF websites being made uniform in format , presumably by Jonathan Hall acting as the IT supremo from BCF at Vic's 'fatherly' direction.

Faith Hopegood
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Re: Present Word

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks Boundary Rider,

Yes it certainly looks as though Vic Hall and his minions have scrubbed Youtube of all Brisbane Christian Fellowship and Toowoomba Christian Fellowship videos. It is though they never existed!

They have "disappeared" them! Just like any tyrannical regime that is scared of outside influence. The only videos are the "Take 5 minutes" devotional series that is on the BCF website. One wonders if they haven't archived the older preaching videos on their website for people to view and learn from, they can't be too proud of their work! Or perhaps it is so Vicster, the Star Messenger, can preach his Present Word, without fear of people referencing some contradictory material from a few years ago.

All the BCF Sunday sermon videos have gone from the BCF and TCF website as well! This is indicative of a very insecure, paranoid, inward looking group of people. I am wondering of my critical analysis of one of the Hay brothers preaching videos on their ridiculous Circumcision videos stung them into action? Perhaps the BCF trolls are still monitoring Streetcar!

I do remember it being preached from the pulpit one day about how the people in BCF "just forget" about those people who have left and never give them any further thoughts! I think the preacher was trying to prove this was a Godly thing to do and was proof of how God scrubbed the minds and memories of the true believers in the Christian Fellowship of any people "who are no longer fellowshipping with us, because they were never of us!". Truly an amazing line of thought. If anything, it was proof of the sheer brutal mentality and mental control that was exerted over the congregation by the leaders. The leaders kept people so busy, so exhausted and so poor that the people did not have the time or energy to even give a thought about why their best friend had left without a word.

I suppose it is not that much different to how people used to escape from the Iron Curtain during the reign of communism. They just kept quiet and bided their time and the next day they were no longer there as they made their bid for freedom. The more I research it, the more I see similarities between the personalities of Stalin and Vic Hall. Both absolute control freaks, would lie to your face whilst smiling at you, would cart you away/cast you out in the middle of night just for the merest hint or suggestion of independent questioning thought. Stalin was a proven psychopath and a mass murderer of tens of millions. Vic doesn't physically kill people but he has a trail of absolute destruction and misery in people lives that numbers well into the thousands and Vic was renown for telling bald face lies to people just to keep control of things and eject people who threatening him.

No doubt Vic is circling the wagons at BCF in the Sunday sermons, regional bible studies and home groups and saying "this is proof that we are Godly, we are being persecuted" so that he can espouse his controlling teachings of the "Us versus Them" mentality.

Paranoid dictators can't abide any satire or critical analysis or any criticism at all for that matter.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Present Word - Family Culture, The Musician and Trumpet Playing

Post by Faith Hopegood »

For your viewing enjoyment. In my personal experience, every word, concept and theme in this video is true and is not exaggerated. I wonder if Present Word had the room bugged when I spoke with a CF elder!
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Present Word - Offerings for the Holidays

Post by Faith Hopegood »

With the Easter holiday season upon us, I thought this wonderfully thought out video from Present Word is appropriate.

Who among us can remember Vic Hall and his minion elders heading off on numerous "work" holidays overseas to spread the word among the brethren in far flung places across the globe. Who forget Vic trips to visit the faithful brethren, Felix and Sonja?, in Switzerland! (ie a husband and wife in Switzerland was considered to be a branch of the Christian Fellowship and thus it was a work related overseas travel).

Also, heard stories of a certain disgraced former leader from The Mountain Heights who preached all year about getting offerings of all sorts, tithes, heave offerings, first fruit offerings, from his congregation, and then he took off to New Zealand for a Christmas Holiday for several weeks with all his family (all expenses paid of course) while the congregation members stayed behind to look after his property and livestock. The irony of this situation not being lost of the congregation members, who were now so poor they couldn't actually afford a Christmas holiday to anywhere because they had no savings. So effective was his method of fleecing the flock. He used to preach sermons about how he believed in trusting god and having a zero bank account. Sadly, when the truth was revealed, it showed he used to pay himself a few hundred thousand dollars a year in salary from the Mountain Heights Christian Fellowship.

Present Word - Heave Offerings
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Re: Present Word

Post by Seeker »

I would encourage all here to take a look (for the first time, or 100th time!) at these excellent videos 'Present Word' has produced. It is the sad truth of a ravenous wolf making his false gospel seem true. I would love to meet Present Truth and shake his or her hand for the brilliant way they brought this out.
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