Apparently the people at Swampford no longer have communion in the church service. I am told that after the church service, the participate in Agape Meals where they fellowship together and discuss the preach word etc etc. Apparently the Swamp Dwellers were told this is the way communion was "supposed to be" and represents a return to true doctrine as happened in the early Christian church. Of course this is all 2nd or 3rd hand information and I may well be wrong.
However it would not surprise me. This is part of Vicious Hall's repertoire of tools of how to keep people believing that he indeed is a great leader, star messenger and on the same level as the Apostle Paul. this is also part of Vic's modus operandi in keeping everyone under his control and not allowing them to think (or even perhaps read the bible independently). The doctrine and practice of the Christian Fellowship is a combination of Gnostic beliefs and Roman Catholic beliefs where all the word comes through the leader (priest or pope), there is no certain assurance of salvation and you have to keep working your way towards heaven. The Gnostic portion is the indisputable fact that people in the Christian Fellowship believe they are superior to the rest of Christianity, they have a better revealed word that no one else has. (this has been preached for decades both from the pulpit, in home fellowship groups and in private counselling sessions).
In summary, the Christian Fellowship is a cultish sect at best with extreme unhealthy group control practices and preaching various forms of twisted scriptures touching at times on heresy. They have certainly completely missed the primary message of the Gospel, that Jesus Christ came to be a sacrifice for us and redeem us from Sin so that we could have complete forgiveness from sins and have a personal loving relationship with God, our Creator and lover of our souls. If they truly only realised the completeness of what a wonderful miracle happened two thousand years ago and be thankful for that miracle, then the CF would have to keep inventing new and exciting words like baubles to distract the plebs from God's real purpose.
I will leave you with a definition of Gnosticism from the trusty Wikipedia
Gnostics considered the principal element of salvation to be direct knowledge of the supreme divinity in the form of mystical or esoteric insight. Many Gnostic texts deal not in concepts of sin and repentance, but with illusion and enlightenment.[3]