False prophecies

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False prophecies

Post by BreakFree »

This is my personal experience from the leaders to try to whip me back into line. I was handed the following in both verbal and written forms of communication. I have attached the file.

In addition to this I was publicly called Demonic and having a spirit of Satan for calling out the abuse of the group and challenging leadership.

I am not sharing this for sympathy I am wanting to validate others who experienced similar harsh words. Christian Fellowship does not speak for God. If God wants to speak he does not need their voice as he can speak for himself. Upon being called demonic I was quick to point out Jesus gave his disciples power to cast out demons, if the leaders were calling me demonic and could not cast out the demon then it must be a reflection that they themselves are not disciples of Jesus.

I wish you well in your recovery
CF prophecy.JPG
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Hope4 »

The arrogance to speak for God is astounding.

How dare these self-appointed leaders speak God’s judgment upon anyone. Do they not fear God?
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Hope4 »

Like a puppet master, cult leaders will attempt to control members.

Victor Hall is now asking those who have questions, doubts, and concerns to leave!

He only wants those he can totally control.

What is ahead?
Faith Hopegood
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks for posting (Mar12) this letter Breakfree and your comments Hope4.
Breakfree, you have made the right decision to question the teachings and leadership of the CF.

Sadly what you have experienced has been going on for many decades and obviously continues to this day.

The wording in the letter is a typical low rent effort to exert ungodly cult control over a person.
Does the letter point to the redeeming salvation of Christ, grace, faith, forgiveness etc? No, it is condemning and controlling.

Remember, where ever you see the elements of: Intimidation, Manipulation and Domination in action (as are illustrated in this letter) then the spirit of witchcraft is behind it. (and this can apply to both men and women).

Have a read of Galations 3:1-5 where the Galations move to works instead of maintaining faith. The CF has certainly moved into the area of works (in order to gain salvation and approval) - even in your letter, there is no mention of Christ, only Old Testament references to offerings and works.

"1You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? 4Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? 5So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?"

Is this not exactly what the christian fellowship has done? Have they not moved from salvation with Christ crucified and resurrected into the letter they gave you where they are talking Old Testament law, offerings, rejection of offerings (and thus relying solely on "works" for salvation).

The work of the Old Testament character, Jezebel, is well known for the elements of manipulation, intimidation and domination. Even the prophet Elijah was scared of Jezebel's actions and threats. Similarly, Vic Hall and his minions, also work covertly in the background to manipulate, intimidate and dominate in their "counselling and advice" sessions with CF members who might be straying from their line. Their advice and actions are to break people's spirit, to break children from their families, to break husband from wife, to break grandparents from their grandchildren. That this has occurred is not in question. Vic and minions will dress it up and put lipstick on a pig, but this is the self-evident actions over many years.

I hope the above provides some peace in your life that you have made the right decisions.
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Hope4 »

“Vic Hall and his minions work covertly in the background to manipulate, intimidate and dominate in their "counselling and advice" sessions with CF members who might be straying from their line. Their advice and actions are to break people's spirit, to break children from their families, to break husband from wife, to break grandparents from their grandchildren. That this has occurred is not in question” Faith

To keep writing summaries of the abuse is helpful as I have found.

We need to keep calling this behaviour ‘abusive’ because the BCF congregation justify their shunning and rejection as evidence of ‘God’s love’ / a type of sending away principle.


Another important reason for writing here in such clarity is that it helps us. To name the abuse is an important step in recovery. If we bought the lie and lived the lie - that we deserved to be punished, then to stand up and tell the truth is healing to our souls.

Plenty more reasons for speaking up and exposing the abuse…these are just two reasons.
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Thanomere84 »

Vile! What an utterly vile and wicked document! What an utterly abusive communication it is! I speak with full understanding of your pain at reading that paper, my friend, because when I was thrown out of my own former church and butchered by the 'elders' who were, of course, acting under Vic 'the Vicious Hall' Hall's evil instructions, I was threatened, and told that if I wanted to return to ministry, I would have to fully "confess" and "repent" of my "various rebellious actions". No doubt I would have been forced to confess to a multitude of trumped-up charges and humiliated fully, made to almost literally crawl to their feet for forgiveness, if I had surrendered. Please do not surrender. Fight this evil disguised as "faith", this darkness that clothes itself with a facade of what seems to be light. We're all behind you.
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Dexter »

Upon being called demonic I was quick to point out Jesus gave his disciples power to cast out demons, if the leaders were calling me demonic and could not cast out the demon then it must be a reflection that they themselves are not disciples of Jesus.

If you don't mind sharing, I'd be very interested to know how the leaders responded to this. I can't imagine they'd let you have the last word, but I also can't imagine what they'd say. :?:
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Re: False prophecies

Post by BreakFree »

Hi Dexter,
At this point in my exit I had already been publicly humiliated. The leaders had made me out to 'crazy'. So publicly they said nothing to me it was flat out ignored. Behind closed doors I believe they were saying this about me Romans 11:8 as it is written: “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day."
Essentially I was scape-goated.
When I started speaking up about things the leaders went over and above to shut me down, I was quite influential amongst my peers. I knew I being ridiculed which only fired me up to speak the truth more. I wasn't being listened too, but, I felt it was important to express myself with the hope I could plant a few seeds, and over time what I said could help others see the light.
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Re: False prophecies

Post by Dexter »

Thanks for responding, BreakFree.

I'm sorry to hear that you had to endure public humiliation and slander/libel. Good on you for not capitulating to the bullies; that takes guts.

Romans 11:8? That would be a sad irony. If only they'd read verses 5-6:
In the same way, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.
Romans 11:8 also appears to be a reference to Isaiah 29:9-11. Again, a sad irony if they neglect the contextual verses, e.g. verse 13:
Therefore the Lord said:

“These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men.
Please note, I'm not pointing fingers here. But I am suggesting that if they want to throw those verses around they should probably check their eyes for logs first. As we all should. 👀🙏
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Re: False prophecies

Post by BreakFree »

I posted this a while back but felt it was relevant given some of the content coming from the leaders. The above document are the words of a leader toward me. While this troubled me at first after 3 months I saw it for what it was. A lie from the mouth of liars and false Prophets.
This is a question I pose to any CF Leader.

If the God of all creation can speak everything into existence, speak to a madman prophet through the mouth of a donkey. What makes you think God needs you to talk to me. If God has something to say to me He can say it himself directly and unfiltered.
You are so arrogant to presume that you can be the Voice of God to me and others.

I can weaponise the bible just as much as you (I learnt from some pretty despicable characters) but there is no point, trading barbs does not serve my purpose here. What does serve my purpose is listening to the Voice of God through a multitude of scripture, talking with unbiased people, experiencing God's creation, being creative, listening to music, and letting life experience teach me. You think you have the answers and monopoly, well, shock horror you don't don't. I am sure the faithful Christians in the middle east would love to hear that God has completely abandoned them because they don't have access to the latest installment of how the CF network needs more money to build these fictious buildings
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