Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

Here is another video with tips for spotting a narcissist within a Christian community.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Seeker »

Sure hit's home, doesn't it?!
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

For those who know, this one sure hits home too…
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

There’s so much more we know about narcissism now.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Dexter »

This is a pretty good channel hey. Some good bits and pieces of advice in this vid:
👋 :ugeek:
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Seeker »

Thanks for that Dexter, Wow, just reading the first few comments on that video hit's many people thinking it's their own fault. The reality is crazy!! Nobody want's to admit they have had the wool pulled over their eyes and been gaslighted by someone they believed in.

I'm certain Mr Hall (change one letter and you get hell!) has a library consisting of many how to books on brain washing and mind control, The signs are right there in everything that's spoken (as they have stopped writing for some reason..Hmmm!) from the rancid mouths of Vic ....and, of course and his puppet minions so very hungry for his royal grand poobahs attention and 'atta boys''s simply heart breaking to see family and friends so entrenched is Vic's false gospel.
Helen Pomery
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Helen Pomery »

Nobody want's to admit they have had the wool pulled over their eyes and been gaslighted by someone they believed in.
It takes enormous courage to humble yourself to make this admission to yourself and in turn to others.

No one wants to believe they’ve been fooled .

No one wants to feel shame and humiliation.

I remember very vividly when I was confronted with this horror.

I had respected ministers all my life and had never been taught to be discerning of those who preach God’s Word. It never occurred to me that ministers who speak for God could abuse people in religious communities.

Call me dumb or stupid if you like, but I thank God that He revealed to me the shame of my deception.

It shattered my whole existence but God delivered me from such awful bondage. I don’t mean from flesh and blood either!!!!

My deliverance was from evil. Our warfare is against the powers of darkness. Bondage, manipulation and heresy is against the love, grace, mercy and salvation we have in Jesus.

Shame, tears, humiliation, horror and unbelief are worth facing head on. When we look fear in the face with Gods help and mercy we will never be the same again. Only God can deliver us from evil as Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

How a religious narcissist creates false doctrines to obtain narcissistic supply.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

What a narcissist expects after creating turmoil.
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