BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
There’s been a mass resignation of BCF teachers from Christian schools after something Vic Hall has said.
This also resulted in many parents pulling their children out of their schools and away from their beloved friends.
This is a concerning development to me - it’s other level control and reining in of people.
That’s all I know. Can anybody add anything more?
What’s next?
This also resulted in many parents pulling their children out of their schools and away from their beloved friends.
This is a concerning development to me - it’s other level control and reining in of people.
That’s all I know. Can anybody add anything more?
What’s next?
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
That's incredibly sad but also funny. Vic's shot himself in the foot with all those people not earning money. How can they pay the tithe if they aren't making any money
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
Sad news for those affected by loss of friendship and community. Very difficult for the innocent.
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
No wonder the current 'messenger word' continues to chastise those who are 'falling away' and filled with'unbelief'.....The threat is this: If you don't receive, believe and (most of all) OBEY the word of Vic, you are doomed to hell.
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
Anyone have names of those who have resigned and/or left?
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
I think it’s a case of if you know a BCF teacher who worked in a Christian school, then in all likelihood, they’ve resigned.
Think of Northside (attached to Nexus Church where many BCF families have moved to), and Genesis.
I know of one family who LOVED Northside and the mother works in the school office. I sincerely hope they’re digging in their heels, but have no way of knowing.
It’s a prayer point for us.
The same week I found out, the sermon at my new church was on the passage about -better that a millstone be hung around the neck of whoever causes a little one who believes in Jesus, to stumble. I can imagine that Vic would be quoting the same scripture to suggest that the little ones would be being harmed by hearing “another gospel”.
So is it better that these little ones be sent to state schools now, where they’ll be exposed to secular philosophies?
However, whatever you think of Christian schools in general, the further isolating from the broader Christian community and the tightening exclusivity is troubling.
Think of Northside (attached to Nexus Church where many BCF families have moved to), and Genesis.
I know of one family who LOVED Northside and the mother works in the school office. I sincerely hope they’re digging in their heels, but have no way of knowing.
It’s a prayer point for us.
The same week I found out, the sermon at my new church was on the passage about -better that a millstone be hung around the neck of whoever causes a little one who believes in Jesus, to stumble. I can imagine that Vic would be quoting the same scripture to suggest that the little ones would be being harmed by hearing “another gospel”.
So is it better that these little ones be sent to state schools now, where they’ll be exposed to secular philosophies?
However, whatever you think of Christian schools in general, the further isolating from the broader Christian community and the tightening exclusivity is troubling.
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
This is really sad news. I think it also shows some of Vic’s insecurities. Think of it. What if one of the students came to a BCF class sharing a testimony of what God spoke to them about during a chapel service at school. What would Vic do if he found out? The short answer I think, is that he would become insecure about it. His subconscious mind would tell him that Satan is coming to snatch these young ones away. Again, it’s not real, but that’s what he will feel. Then, the internal BCF rumour mill (I.e. leaders and those within the inner circle) will be willing to believe any half truth that supports Vic’s insecurities. Those who pass half truths on to him will be treated well. Sermons are developed and preached under this supposed fellowship and congregants will be obliged to obey the word. Why? Because Vic is insecure about students hearing God‘s word from outside BCF.
Then think of reasoning teachers had to go through to decide to change jobs. Do you think there was any cognitive dissonance involved there? You bet there was! And having made the decision, they will likely be convinced that they’ve made the right choice, even though, objectively, it doesn’t make sense. I really wish the teachers had followed some advice from Good Christian people outside that fellowship.
This whole situation is a big red flag to me. My hope is that more and more people will begin to wake up to what is going on.
Then think of reasoning teachers had to go through to decide to change jobs. Do you think there was any cognitive dissonance involved there? You bet there was! And having made the decision, they will likely be convinced that they’ve made the right choice, even though, objectively, it doesn’t make sense. I really wish the teachers had followed some advice from Good Christian people outside that fellowship.
This whole situation is a big red flag to me. My hope is that more and more people will begin to wake up to what is going on.
Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
Well put, guest.
Spot on. Sooo many red flags.
Please, dear CF people, praying that you wake up to the cognitive dissonance and come out from under the spell.
Spot on. Sooo many red flags.
Please, dear CF people, praying that you wake up to the cognitive dissonance and come out from under the spell.
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Re: BCF C’n school teachers & students’ exodus
This news is very sad if true. I have not heard of any moves or resignations through the grapevine but have been out of the CF system for over 10 years now.
My thoughts on what might be behind Vic's motivation to remove students and teachers from Christian Schools is that they will be exposed to a different word and theology to that which Vic and his acolytes are teaching. Both the staff and students at a Christian school such as Genesis College and others would be exposed to a Christian word that teaches love, forgiveness, redemption and blessing in Christ.
Vic Hall actively teaches a false word that is the opposite of, or a twisted version of these things.
Vic will not want any CF adults or school aged children being exposed to straight biblical teaching because they will start to see a difference in the way the staff at Genesis behave (ie they are truly nice people to be around) compared to the christian fellowship sour, dour, withdrawn "the whole world is against us", we are under attack, we are suffering because of our "special revealed word" kind of behaviour.
I personally know some of the teachers at Genesis and they are just the beautiful well balanced dedicated Christians that you could want to meet. Full of live and love.
We can remember a time when David Falk preached a sermon one Sunday in Toowoomba probably 20 years ago. He absolutely flayed any parent who sent their kids to private schools (except he didn't flay the richest man in the congregation who sent his daughters to an exclusive private school! Oh and his nieces also attended a pretty wealth school!). I think Falk was motivated by control and money rather than fearing his congregation might hear a christian word preached at a Christian school. He actively wanted parents to put their kids in state schools and he absolutely mocked and yelled and condemned parents who wanted something better for their kids. There was no preaching of the gospel in Falks sermon that day - just pure condemnation at a small group of parents.
Remember, Vic Hall thinks that he alone has a special word revealed by God and that only those who attend a Christian Fellowship church are the true believers. Everyone else is a "lesser" or not a true christian if you attend any other church because Vic believes and preaches that all other denominations have walked away from God and watered down their beliefs (and perhaps some have). But he uses this to continue to drive a wedge and isolate people and families so that Vic can control them.
Stay strong in the Lord people. Pray quietly each day and seek the Lord in your prayer time.
Remember the fruits of the Spirit and remember that the Yoke of Christ is a light one.
In Christ
Faith Hopegood.
My thoughts on what might be behind Vic's motivation to remove students and teachers from Christian Schools is that they will be exposed to a different word and theology to that which Vic and his acolytes are teaching. Both the staff and students at a Christian school such as Genesis College and others would be exposed to a Christian word that teaches love, forgiveness, redemption and blessing in Christ.
Vic Hall actively teaches a false word that is the opposite of, or a twisted version of these things.
Vic will not want any CF adults or school aged children being exposed to straight biblical teaching because they will start to see a difference in the way the staff at Genesis behave (ie they are truly nice people to be around) compared to the christian fellowship sour, dour, withdrawn "the whole world is against us", we are under attack, we are suffering because of our "special revealed word" kind of behaviour.
I personally know some of the teachers at Genesis and they are just the beautiful well balanced dedicated Christians that you could want to meet. Full of live and love.
We can remember a time when David Falk preached a sermon one Sunday in Toowoomba probably 20 years ago. He absolutely flayed any parent who sent their kids to private schools (except he didn't flay the richest man in the congregation who sent his daughters to an exclusive private school! Oh and his nieces also attended a pretty wealth school!). I think Falk was motivated by control and money rather than fearing his congregation might hear a christian word preached at a Christian school. He actively wanted parents to put their kids in state schools and he absolutely mocked and yelled and condemned parents who wanted something better for their kids. There was no preaching of the gospel in Falks sermon that day - just pure condemnation at a small group of parents.
Remember, Vic Hall thinks that he alone has a special word revealed by God and that only those who attend a Christian Fellowship church are the true believers. Everyone else is a "lesser" or not a true christian if you attend any other church because Vic believes and preaches that all other denominations have walked away from God and watered down their beliefs (and perhaps some have). But he uses this to continue to drive a wedge and isolate people and families so that Vic can control them.
Stay strong in the Lord people. Pray quietly each day and seek the Lord in your prayer time.
Remember the fruits of the Spirit and remember that the Yoke of Christ is a light one.
In Christ
Faith Hopegood.
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