Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

An unapologetic breakdown of the lampstand/presbytery fallacy here:

https://media.bcf.org.au/bcf/Articles/C ... Survey.pdf
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

Do you happen to have "page 9" that lists the sinful modes.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

Good point. Maybe they’re secret sins, unpublishable in the public domain.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

The article states, or should I say Richie Kaa and Luke Pomery state (let’s keep them personally accountable) that a key dilemma is the issue of being “planted” by God in a “lampstand church”, and that members are not free to “float” between regions within the “lampstand”. I can personally attest to the fact that this is utter bumf as I was so-called “planted” in at least 3 different regional areas at the whim of the elders. There was no such thing as being planted, they just want to control people and move them around like chess pieces as they see fit. I know for a fact I was planted in one of those regions but all hell broke loose when God spoke to me directly in contradiction to the fake presbytery and I was faced with a choice. They are right about one thing… we have to make a decision when we hear Gods voice. Unfortunately instead of obeying God I obeyed the elders because I succumbed to their manipulation and coercion.. then all the blessings I had experienced previously suddenly turned into curses. I lost everything and they discarded me because I was rendered useless. These men are not Christians. They are ravenous wolves seeking to isolate and devour Christ’s flock. Anyone who prospers in this corrupt system is enabling these whitewashed tombs. Get out of there before God’s judgment falls on it and grinds you to powder. You’ve had plenty of warning.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Stargazer »

I have a question people regarding the alarming first paragraph… why are they reading from a Transcript that they have written and not from the Bible??? That is heresy!! Why do they not see the danger in this?? I’m totally shocked! How stupid can they be? They seriously are wolf in sheep’s clothing not to mention how boring it was to read lol
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Seeker »

In xcf speak, planted means submission to the great almighty vic.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

Wow… just wow. There is so much twisting of the scripture in that! It’s like this ‘presbytery’ group thinks they are the modern-day 12 apostles. No humility whatsoever, which is a massive red flag!

As an outsider looking in, there is a lot I could speculate on, but honestly, I don’t have the full picture. So I’ll leave it with these two points:

1. It sounds like a knee-jerk reaction or explanation for whatever happened over the COVID years. Did many people leave during that time? It sure sounds like it.
2. If this guy, Vic, is a narcissist (as has been mentioned in numerous other threads) then Richie and Luke are flying monkeys… if you don’t know what that means, go and look it up. Sadly, too many charismatic churches since the 60s have gone this way. It looks godly on the outside, but it just comes from the need for a leader to control.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by BreakFree »

The doctrine of planting is completely made up. There is nothing in the new testament about being planted. At a stretch you can possibly use the story of Abraham being called to resettle in a foreign country but that is a very specific circumstance and should not be used as a justification to keep people where the leaders want them.
while I don't want to start a debate from what I can gather "planting" seems to be a bi-product of the doctrine of predestination.
In my experience predestination is another loaded term which can be weaponised, as all scripture can be if misinterpreted.
In short, both words can be used in such a way that takes away our free will
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

BreakFree wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:53 pm At a stretch you can possibly use the story of Abraham being called to resettle in a foreign country but that is a very specific circumstance and should not be used as a justification to keep people where the leaders want them.
I don’t think the example of Abraham very accurately represents this so-called being ‘planted’. Abram was called to leave his homeland and all of his relatives to go somewhere else… and even when he got to the land of Canaan, he moved around quite a bit. I can only conclude that Abraham would have been kicked out by the xCF star-messenger 😂
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

I had to look up ‘flying monkeys’.

I had never heard of that term.

Here’s what I found out:
When people discuss narcissists, they sometimes use the phrase 'flying monkeys. ' Flying monkeys refer to people who carry out the work of a narcissist or an abusive person, and it comes from The Wizard of Oz, in which the Wicked Witch of the West puts flying monkeys under her spell.

Flying monkeys encourage perpetrators of abuse and shield them from the consequences of their behaviour.

How to Spot Flying Monkeys
1. Gossiping: Flying monkeys benefit narcissists by spreading rumors and lies about others. ...
2. Surveillance: Another major help flying monkeys provide for abusers is surveillance. ...
3. Gaslighting and victim-blaming: Flying monkeys are fiercely loyal to narcissists.

Do narcissists discard flying monkeys?

Yes, a narcissist can discard a flying monkey when they no longer consider them useful. A flying monkey is a term used to describe someone who enables a narcissist's behavior, often by doing their bidding or spreading rumours on their behalf.
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