Contact with Family still in CF

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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by guest »

guest wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:13 pm What will Vic do if people will not cut off their loved ones as ordered?
I think it depends on whether Vic feels threatened by that person. I know that, for some people, he’s not concerned. For others, you are advised not to be in contact. Maybe not in such direct words, but with a few twisted anecdotes and half truths that paint the particular family member in a bad light. Vic will often tell stories of how “horrendously” these people treated him. Most of it sits in the realms of half truths and one sided stories, but he will always leave just enough truth to make his stories seem plausible. However, as others on this forum will undoubtedly know, sometimes he doesn’t cover his tracks and blurts out blatant lies about people who have left the fellowship. But I digress.

Once you’ve heard all these things, you are left with a choice. If you side with Vic, you end up going down a track where you slowly (or maybe quickly) disassociate with those family members Vic is threatened by. And you’ll probably be convinced that you’re doing the right thing (have a listen to the podcasts linked on this forum about cognitive dissonance). Additionally, if you provide him with any details that confirm your disassociation, you’ll probably do well in his books. That’s narcissistic supply. Who knows, you might even end up leading songs one Sunday. But again, I digress. If you don’t adopt the “BCF culture” then you run the risk of becoming the focus of attention. This is because Vic will feel threatened by what that family member might say to you. He will then do what he needs to do to remove that threat.

Of course, there may well be other ways that these things happen, but these are just my observations. To be honest, I was never ordered to disassociate with family members. But the stories I heard about them made me feel like I should limit my contact. Thankfully, I have since found out just how true all those stories were.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by Stargazer »

People are told to ignore the insiders who do not do as they are told to do. They are not given any roles within the congregation. Totally shunned by insiders.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by guest »

guest wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:13 pm What will Vic do if people will not cut off their loved ones as ordered?
He usually relies on spreading vicious slander about those people. If you push back, he might start spreading slander about you.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by Seeker »

Yes will soon become the topic of gossip at the latest agape meal.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by guest »

guest wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:08 pm Thankfully, I have since found out just how true all those stories were.
To be clear, all those stories were 95% rubbish.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by guest »

Hi there - I recently came across this forum after listening to the “Let’s Talk About Sects” podcast. I’m interested in whether anyone has any further information about the word being preached about distancing yourself from family members who are no longer in the xCF? My relationship with my family is probably the worst it’s ever been since I left xCF years ago - not in a volatile way, I just don’t seem to be on their radar at all - they don’t call, text, visit or anything (including at Christmas time). Things did seem to take a turn after September / October last year, so I was interested to read about the word being preached about moving away from blood family. Any further details / links that I could read and understand to seek some clarity would be awesome. Thanks.
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by BreakFree »

Hi Guest,
This is the website for all BCF latest communion messages.

If you go to the BCF website > Resources > Articles > Communion Word Articles you will find the link. There is no hyperlink but if you copy it into your browser you can access it.

I read an article THE FEAR OF THE LORD PART 1 September 25 2022 - Tim Maurice. What I read didn't shock me, what surprised me was this was being declared publicly now. These things have always been said said behind closed doors but now its out in the open.

An exCF friend mentioned they were still on the email list for the daily devotions as they wanted to see what was being said to their loved ones, I am not sure it that is an option for you as well.

If you want to contact me I created an email:

kind regards
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks Breakfree for the information.

Here are some of the links: ... 20Articles

I had a quick skim through the Tim Maurice pdf "THE FEAR OF THE LORD PART 1 September 25 2022 ".

Some quick observations after a medium level read. Firstly, the words "Twisted Scriptures" really applies to what is written by Tim Maurice. It is a torturous gobbledegook to try and read it. What is evident is that he is taking parts, very small parts, of scriptures from throughout the bible and trying to weave them together for a purpose. It is not biblical theology and it is not systematic theology. Also, it is fragments of scripture. Tim M does not take a full scripture passage and then exegete it properly and draw out the context and surrounding scriptures.
Tim Maurice is skirting on elements of heresy here as well - particularly with references to salvation in Christ and "keeping" your salvation, which leads to "working" for your salvation and keep working to keep your salvation. Very very dangerous stuff.

Also, as is usual with BCF and its heretical group of churches, their teachings relying heavily on Old Testament writings with just a little sprinkling of New Testament. In fact, no where in the article do I see full individual New Testament scriptures used. There are NT references and fragments but it is only used in support of OT "fear and trembling" themes. Again, very very dangerous approach and the only objective of such writings is to put people into a perpetual state of fear. Nowhere does the Tim Maurices writings speak to the Love of God, the Forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ, our redemption to God through Christ, saved by faith alone, grace alone etc. It is all very legalistic and judgie with not much "my chains fell off and my heart was free, I rose went forth and followed Thee!!!"
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Re: Contact with Family still in CF

Post by Lillith »

Thank you Breakfree and Faith Hopegood.
Yes, the CF teaching is deliberately and unapologetically putting people into a perpetual state of fear.
A literalistic reading of the OT’s narrative of “God’s wrath” sets them up for a retributive reading of the gospel.
They base the Fear of God on a fear of falling into (or returning to) a carnal way of living which culminates in being caste into a Lake of Fire (the doctrine of eternal conscious torment).
(I acknowledge that many in this forum would believe that scripture requires us to believe in this doctrine, and let’s not delve further on this in this particular thread).

There is extreme “othering” in these and recent sermons.
That is, in their words - “the word is having a polarizing effect”, dividing people into either vessels for honour if you obey the CF teachings which are coming “out of heaven” from the presbytery messengers, or on the other hand, vessels of dishonor fit for destruction.

So to answer Guest’s question, our families are being taught to fear those of us who’ve departed the CFs because we could influence them to question their commitment to that church and end up in hell.
And yes, I been watching too, and am relying a lot on Streetcar feedback, as I feel this teaching must be leading to increased levels of shunning.

Whatever the range of thoughts about the afterlife that are held amongst us on this forum, what I sense is that you would be leaving such issues of judgement to the God who is Love.
I have noticed among the ex CFers here, an increased experience of the Grace and Love of God in your lives.

This leads me to 1John - Perfect Love casts out fear”.
It’s talking about fear of punishment!
How do we perfect love?
By accepting Gods radical forgiveness (which is already given!), and by meditating on and immersing ourselves in the vast, freely given Love of God.
How do we perfect love?
By then giving love out to others, as we have freely received.
Deep rich blessings all,
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