"Not Drawing Back"

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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"Not Drawing Back"

Post by Dante »

"It is extraordinary to consider that a person who has been born from above, could turn and fall away from the high calling of sonship. However, the apostle Paul lamented that, by the end of his ministry, this very thing had happened in the churches throughout Asia. He said to Timothy that ‘ all who are in Asia turned away from me’. Although, initially, they had all been born of the Spirit as new creation sons of God, they had turned away from the messenger and his message.

Why did these churches fall away? It was because they began to believe a gospel other than the one that Paul had delivered to them. This alternative gospel was not the gospel of sonship. The Galatian church epitomised this decline. Paul admonished the Christians in Galatia for seeking to be perfected through fleshly principles, rather than by continuing to live and walk in the Spirit. Tellingly, their affections for Paul had waned, and they had begun to withdraw from the ‘first love’ fellowship that he had established with them"

I quick concordance check will show haw many times the Christian is warned about 'falling away from Sonship'. Zero. None. Nada! But RFI continues to assert that salvation is inexorably tied to connection to 'the messenger' - no matter how carnal and earthy he is! And refusing abject submission to him is tantamount to losing your salvation and 'falling away from sonship'!!

What a godless doctrine!!!
Last edited by Dante on Sun May 28, 2017 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by surprisedbyjoy »

Ah yes Dante but if you now look (see Mon 22 May 2017 Who will ascend and descend?) with discerning eyes (not something readily handed out in the wider corridors of RFI) you will note there is a little subtle descriptor emerging in the RFI text for the son attempting to not fall away to take note of. No longer is it just any old messenger but it is now a "graced" messenger. Subtle difference I know but not something to be taken lightly. No rather clearly something that the average son not wanting to fall away must now take note of and be careful not to follow the ordinary old ones without grace. Apparently when we first come to know Christ and toddle off to the local RFI church we are meant to know the difference between a "clergy-style" leader (an ungraced messenger I presume) and those glowing brightly from being graced. Now I thought that word "grace" said something about being unmerited....hhmmnnn?

Silly me! I knew I was missing something :D ;) . And don't you worry. If one of the new breed of "graced" messengers plays his tune and leads a whole flock of sheep up the garden path to near destruction then I'm sure there'll be some new revelatory adjective to put in front of that terminology to make it all better. Or perhaps at the collapse of the second generation messengers and the emerging of the third, these will be the ones that have grown wings (or something equally weird) and the discerning will now know who to they are to esteem and who to completely wipe from all history. And don't despair if you thought you nearly understood it but then the landscape totally changed, i's just this highly rated concept called "present truth" kicking in I think.

Phew, I think I'm finally starting to get all this stuff! How happy am I?
Paul Kovaks
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by Paul Kovaks »

From Easter 2016 they also started teaching us that we have no SONSHIP MINISTRIES to steward NOW. They are all 'hidden in Christ' for use later (eg after the resurrection). Instead FOR NOW we are to just 'obey our administration leaders'. They said: so relax, you don't need to worry (ie or do or initiate or steward anything, my parenthetical comments)! Rather handy for a control-based cult!

What that means is: we just ROBOTICALLY do what our admins tell us. Zero stewarding of our gifts. Zero 'us' in our gifts. Zero creativity. Zero initiative. Ridiculous!

MCF/BCF have missed the ENTIRE human-dimension, that we are to glorify God IN OUR BODIES NOW with our body, soul and spirit! The Lord is renewing our minds and creating new spirits in us! To do nothing until the resurrection? I don't think so.

Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God!

So MCF is STILL locked into this control issue of its congregation DESPITE claims that was a thing of the past. I couldn't believe it when that was the main message of Easter 2016: Back to 1994 dressed up a little differently!

Vic and his buddies are basically sifting through the Scriptures looking for every harsh word to apply in a controlling manner. That is their program. Sickening.
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by robocop »

[Quote] "Instead FOR NOW we are to just 'obey our administration leaders'."

Nothing new under the sun here Paul. If my memory serves me rightly, my family and I were absent from Brisbane during the Easter Convention 1996, and came back to hear this new line of teaching, which I recall everybody was talking about - "The BIG O"....What was this big "O" everybody was talking about? O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E.
I recall that it was HAMMERED into us at every church service for the next 6 months. Until one Sunday night at Chandler, Vic stood up and said "It is finished" - no more teaching about Obedience from that night on.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep. We got 25 years teaching on headship, chastening and suffering. No concept of balance.

It makes sense that once you are controlling you suddenly have ZERO output from everyone. So there's just nothing else coming and you end up stuck on a topic for 20 years.

Sunday School was totally balanced however and our kids have better Bible knowledge than most church kids their age.
Last edited by Paul Kovaks on Wed May 31, 2017 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by Paul Kovaks »

In 2016 we realized that we hadn't been allowed to say anything for 20 years! You needed to have a Vic-level revelation to be heard (or play a guitar). Or else give some example of how the MCF word was benefiting us. But because it was destroying us we had nothing to say for 20 years. That's when we came to our senses.
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by eagles »

As I see it, there is a major problem with manipulating all the plebs (and dismissing arbitrarily those who don't agree) is that there needs continual rewriting what the apostle Paul calls "another gospel" in his epistle to the Galatians. This means stating that God keeps changing His mind as well, quite obviously. A bit like Mormonism's original "prophet" (Joseph Smith) and all his successors. Unless (heaven forbid) the guru got it wrong the first time, and the second time, and the third time...

A famous "change of direction attributed by "Brother Joseph" was that God NOW had stopped condemning African negroes' skin colour and very recently had granted them salvation. I tell no lie. The equivalent to a "Papal Bull" was issued by them on tbat subject!

Like modern charismatics, Smith and his successors wrote extra teachings in book form which were classified as Holy Scriptures which were obviously sold to the faithful. These days they make huge financial profits of videoed DVDs of the same stuff. By the way, the Mormons also spoke in tongues, then, and were able to jnterpret those strange utterings. Later they were told those gifts were cessationist!

Paul Kovaks
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Re: "Not Drawing Back"

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep eagles, I pointed out to them that the gospel was ALREADY established and we didn't need 'new' interpretations.

I'm quite certain that in trying to keep up with restorationists like Ofler and Ray Jackson Snr (who I am convinced did come with restorations like Luther), Vic felt he had to have something 'new'.

And it had to be 'deep'. Vic succeeded at that but I was able to often predict the next new word myself by flipping through the New Testament to see what harsh word of Christ would be emphasised next (at the expense of common decency and the remainder of Scripture).
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