More reports of abuse in the Christian faith

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More reports of abuse in the Christian faith

Post by Bagel »

I read with interest in the weekend papers the latest report on the scandals involving the Exclusive Brethren. Some interesting accusations of legal and corporate ducking and weaving on top of the alleged abuses taking place. Very sad. ... z35mf.html

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Re: More reports of abuse in the Christian faith

Post by Bagel »

Have been looking at a few more YT channels that discuss escapes from cultish organisations. Participants have often said, 'I had no idea I was in a cult, until I left'. And some of the religions/cults are quite extreme, but similar themes arise, people are controlled either physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. I'll post two links to some of the YT channels that you can browse through for episodes that might be interesting. Perhaps others can post some links as well to examples of things they've seen or listened to? ... zN_VwG4Yi_
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