Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Faith Hopegood
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Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Faith Hopegood »

If you want proof of what goes on in Vic Halls mind then have a read of this statement from the BCF website.
Lampstand churches
Jesus is speaking from heaven through His messengers, and is restoring His administration that is suitable for the fullness of times.
In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul declared that God has made His purpose known to us ‘with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth’. Eph 1:10.
The Bible reveals that the administration that is suitable for the fullness of times is the administration of presbyteries in the right hand of Christ and lampstand churches.

The early church
During his ministry, Paul pioneered lampstand churches among the Gentile nations. He also established an apostolic administration, which included men such as Timothy and Titus, to function within the presbyteries of these lampstand churches.

The church in our day
The apostle John saw that this administration of stars and lampstand churches has been sovereignly initiated and endorsed by Christ for the church age. Rev 1. It is the only administration that is suitable for the fullness of times. Every other man-made administration and self-righteous mode of ministry will not endure the persecution that will confront the church in the days just ahead of us.
In our day, the Lord is restoring the administration of lampstand churches which will overcome the spirit of antichrist in the world. More importantly, however, this administration will accomplish the purpose of God in heaven and on the earth.

So, from his own hand, Vic Hall believes he is the modern day Apostle to the worlds church. Vic also believes he is on the same level as the Apostle Paul and Apostle John of Revelation! It is all there, you just have to read it. Pretty breathtaking stuff.

When reading anything from the Christian Fellowship, you have to remember they always change definitions and meanings of words. Always. They use jargon to which are attached special meanings for the "in-crowd".

Vic Hall, and all the CF elders, are taught, believe and proclaim to others that they are the modern "messengers of God". Not just in a modern pastor or minister sense, but in a biblical sense. I think it would be fair comment to state that pastors, ministers, bishops etc are indeed messengers of God, people who bring Gods word and care for the flock etc. But BCF believes in something much much stronger. (Remember BCF always change definitions). BCF believe that Vic Hall and CF elders ARE the messengers mentioned in the bible and are at the SAME level as the Apostles Paul and John (men who were divinely inspired to write the bible books as we know them). This might seem a small distinction but it is a HUGE leap in beliefs and doctrine.

See the first sentence uses "His messengers". Vic then goes on to link messengers with administration, summing up all things in Christ. See how cunning Vic is when he uses words such as presbyteries, lamp stand churches, administration of stars. Then there is the link whereby Vic gets the Us vs Them cult process happening whereby he says "Every other man-made administration and self-righteous mode of ministry will not endure the persecution" thus making the argument that if BCF or Vic Hall ever come under persecution of any kind then, in their minds, this proves they are doing Gods work. Again, this is a huge leap to make. Vic Hall and BCF are criticised and persecuted by the numerous ABC, A Current Affair, national newspaper reports because they destroy families and peoples lives and behave like a cult! Somehow this just doesn't compute in their collective minds!

In their minds : "persecution = means we must be doing gods will, we are right"

Vic Halls heretical teachings are summed up with his quote "administration of stars and lampstand churches has been sovereignly initiated" thus reinforcing his king complex, and this quote: "In our day, the Lord is restoring the administration of lampstand churches which will overcome the spirit of antichrist in the world. More importantly, however, this administration will accomplish the purpose of God in heaven and on the earth".

To interpret this Vicspeak - Vic is a messenger of god at the same level as Paul and John in the bible. Anything that Vic says is divinely inspired (god complex) and thus, if you disagree or criticise Vic (god) then you are speaking against God. Thus anything that Vic says or does, no matter how wicked, damaging or bad, is ok because Vic is god and what god does must be right because vic/god/messenger are one and the same! Also because Vic/god is divinely inspired, no one can speak against him and anyone who does speak against him must be from the devil!

Thus Vic has set himself up in a little kingdom that listens to no-one and no-one can speak into it. In truth, vic/god is the one in complete rebellion and sin. If any group of teachers or other ministers came to Vic and said "you are preaching heresy" they would be shown the door. If you want any further proof, look at the fruit of vic/god, the trail of destruction of lives (now in its thousands), and fleecing the flock of its money are constant testimony to the bad fruit and bad teachings of BCF.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Vic certainly believes he is (or is at least in line) to be a last day one of the 12 apostles. But I think, deep down, Vic knows he's getting too old for that because:

THE BCF website is now (for the first time) stating their belief in the '42 year period' of the end (= the 'last hour' prophetically in the 1000 year = 1 day scheme). While we were still there in 2016 they hinted that we were about to enter this period.

Be that true or not, that's why they are expecting to see last day apostles. But even Vic realises he's probably too old to be a last day apostle for 42 years . .
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks Paul, that is an interesting concept - the last hour. I have never heard of this idea before. After a bit of thought I figured that the 42 years is 1000 years divided by 24 hours = 41.667 (rounded to 42 hours). Numerology of the bible and an interest in number connections was always a big part of the BCF theology.

It is interesting to hear that BCF was "hinting" about this in 2016. Does this mean they were preaching/teaching about this concept of the "final hour" in Sundays or bible studies?
Paul Kovaks
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Paul Kovaks »

It was in a rare series of bible studies on end times based on Vic's new look at it. A lot of it made reasonable sense but to me it's just a theory.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks Robocop and Thanomere for the posts in the Toowoomba Christian Fellowship thread.

Looks like a nice (probably debt free) home, well manicured lawns, plenty of space for entertaining, garages to shelter the tax deductible exempt benefits MV "BCF Elders Retreat" recreational fishing vessel! I did hear Vic once preach at Chandler about how he was not ashamed to have a lovely glittery chandelier in his home. Of course I am being cynical and sarcastic somewhat. I am sure recreational fishing and boating is a wonderful relaxing pastime - I just get a bit ansy when poor struggling congregation members have paid for the boat. (I will replicate this post in the BCF section of this forum).

We need to contrast this largess with the biblical example of apostles in the hundred years or so after Christ ascended to heaven. Did any of the original apostles have large wonderful homes? Or were they true shepherds to the sheep, most of them relying on the people they met to feed and shelter them along the way?

Reading the New Testament and other biblical commentaries, I am pretty sure that most of the original apostles did not have much in the way of worldly goods or wealth. One of the apostles, Paul I think, was tentmaker and stated that he used to do his tent making to provide income for himself so he was not a burden on those he visited to preach the Good News.

Peter eventually found himself in Rome and the Roman Catholic Church claims Peter to be their first pope. Somehow I don't think Peter ever envisaged the huge edifice of corrupt wealth, that is now the modern day Roman Catholic Church, when he was in Rome! In fact St Peter was crucified upside down in Rome during Nero's reign.

The example clearly given to us from God's Word is for the leaders of the church to be humble servants caring for the sheep, not fleecing the flock. These same humble servant apostles should also have the ability to wash the feet of the disciples and believers. Contrast this Godly attitude with the example of BCF Eldership and associated lackeys, who it could be argued, act in a similar way to the Catholic Church in Luthers time and also conmen standover merchants extorting money from followers with the promise of salvation and continues "special" revelations from god to the anointed star messenger.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Wendy »

Ray Jackson snr thought he would be one of the last day apostles too and appointed himself the apostle to the Pacific area - or something along those lines. We all know how that ended.
And predicting dates and times - Offler who used to be the absolute authority on these things had Jesus returning in 1996 or thereabouts. (I can't locate my Offler book otherwise I would be more accurate.) According to Offler's other calculations we are 19 years into the Millennium. Wrong. The last time I looked the Kingdom is now but is certainly not yet.

If you look at all the cults that are into predicting the end they use it as a means to control their followers. The JWs do it - Charles Russell said 1875 - no, God changed his mind and it is now going to be 1914. Stay tuned for the next revelation, bring your diary (and your wallet.) The Seventh Day Adventists had Ellen G White also predicting Jesus' return in the early 1900s but when it didn't happen then her followers were told Jesus came and cleansed the temple instead so it would be ready for his return at an indeterminate time. I could go on - but sufficient to say it promotes the "I'd better stay in case I miss out" thinking. The by-product is a faulty theology which includes a God who only lives in a compound in Brisbane and a convention centre in Melbourne. Whatever happened to 'every eye will see HIm?' The disciples might have been together as a small group in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit fell but it didn't stop there as they spilled out into the street where 17 different nationalities heard and saw and participated in this miraculous phenomena - which hasn't stopped.

The other thing Ray would go on about was being persecuted for 'the word'. Vic is really so not original in anything he does. He's just a chip off the old block and dredges up so much of the rubbish that Ray would go on about. We know why Ray was 'persecuted' - because of his immorality and abuse of power and money. As Faith has mentioned a modern day apostle would be caring for, not fleecing, the flock. Ray Jackson and Vic Hall are examples of the thieves that come to kill and destroy and both have done that in spades.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Wendy, thank you for setting out some detailed Christian Fellowship historical perspective.

I wonder if Ray Jackson Snr and Offilers' works are even mentioned any more in the Christian Fellowship circles? Certainly any mention or memory of Ray Jackson Snr would be quick hushed or expunged. I can't remember actually seeing or meeting Ray Jackson Snr. I joined the fellowship in the mid 1980s and I remember people almost worshipped RJ Snr. I did visit Melbourne for a short time and remember going out the Calvary Bible College in the late 1980's I think. Perhaps RJ was there then but I can remember him. This was a time when Melbourne (and Calvary Bible College) were the epicentre of the Christian Fellowship organisation.

I do remember the Sunday night at Chandler in Brisbane where the combined city congregation were gathered for communion and were informed that Ray Jackson Snr had stepped down/been punted for being a naughty boy. And I also remember Alex Wylie preaching a particularly fiery sermon about how young christian men should not be putting their hands on young christian girls thighs unless they were married! I am not sure if these two events occurred on the same night or not.

Ray Jackson Snr was nearly idolised and I do remember that Vic Hall then took over as the idol people spoke about in hushed reverential tones because Vic had a wonderful special revelation of the word and ohh how he could preach such wonderfully illuminating high theological level sermons. I think we and everybody considered Vic Hall to be some master theologian who had special knowledge that was a step above the mainstream denominational teachings.

As it turns out we find out that Vic Hall really had nothing original and just plagiarises gnostic teachings from other dubious unreliable discredited overseas sources. I suppose the benefit to Vic of such a high level of control exercised by Vic over the blind sheep and keeping them so busy and introspective, the sheep don't have time to research the fact that Vic's "special revelations" are just pedalling stolen ideas from overseas American preachers that are twenty years out of date.

And yes, just like Wendy says, Ray Jackson and Vic Hall are robbers of peoples lives and they leave a trail of destruction of family relationships and financial broke people in their paths.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by robocop »

And yes, just like Wendy says, Ray Jackson and Vic Hall are robbers of peoples lives and they leave a trail of destruction of family relationships and financial broke people in their paths.
Yes Faith/Wendy, the evidence of those *charlatans is obvious to everyone but themselves. When you see the mansions that Vic and his family live in and the monstrosity he has built out at Samford, and the pressure those remaining in the congregation there must be put under to keep the facade up and running, you can clearly see that Vic's agenda is so self-serving.

* A charlatan is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception. Synonyms for "charlatan" include "shyster", "quack", or "faker".
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by Seeker »

Thank you Faith......his royal highness throws another toss away line that say's what he is really thinking. It's not just that he thinks on the same level as Paul, John, et al; he puts forth in many of his false 'admonitions', words, communion, (now it's an agape meal!! Oh goodie, another belief he stole from the Methodists.

It's quite strange how Vicster the Trickster not only believes he is the modern day Apostle to the world, from what he writes, he believes he's (at least equal to) Jesus Christ. It sickens me to even say this...but it's all there in black and white.....oh, wait, it seems the powers that be have put down the rule to no longer offer a written document of what was said. You either have to watch the speaker, or hear him. I say him, because it seems women are not allowed to offer a testimony, word, anything! It's like; "Hey you women...stay in the kitchen and cook us men a fabulous meal!"

Another 'word' from Vic when he was with people who were struggling through some bad financial times...I actually heard from his lips; "The Son of Man has no place to lay His head...Speaking of himself, of course.

I cringe when I think of the lies he told....even more so, how I fell for (actually believed) the awesome, wonderful words flowing from the mouth of the chosen aggelos....Vic...the gifted, graced top chef. Much more equal as the #1 of equals of equals.

When you hear and begin to understand the truth of what Christ is really bringing, one begins to realize the REAL truth. Part of that truth is Vic (and his cronies) is/are nothing more than a brown eyed mullet floating and taking center stage of life.
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Re: Vic Hall thinks he is the modern Apostle Paul

Post by BreakFree »

Hi Seeker,
I wanted to share this as a humorous response to some of the lunacy of Vic's Delusion. One of my final comments to the leader (Tim Maurice who thinks himself a very intelligent man) were this. "You blindly follow a man who thinks that he is Jesus, there is a medical term for such a person. Schizophrenic. So you claim to be so smart yet listen to the ramblings of someone with Schizophrenia."
Obviously it went down like a tone of bricks but man it felt good to give it back to my oppressor.
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